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lamping last night

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got a call asking if i wanted a shine from a mate, i said yes of course, after mine and daks outing i was well up for it after seeing my pup catching, but the football was on :thumbdown: (iv no respect for the game or the over paid pussies who play) so we rearranged it for the next night, i had the pup uot for about 2 hours mooching practising and recall after his preformance when out with daks and he was very responsive, then had him out over the playing field to empty himself and have a run about before we went and his recall wasnt too good.


he picked me up and we drove to meet his mate to go on his permission we had 3 dogs with us, my pup and my mates 2 saluki bulls, we let his dogs have a few runs on the first 2 fields and missed then, then we seen a squatter so it was my pups turn walked him up to it till it moved then slipped him, decent run but no catch, we carried on field after field letting each dog run and giving my pup most of the sitters, all the dogs ran well and one run in particular give my pup a good thrashing he had 4-5 close strikes but lost it in the hedge. my pups recall was shit on all the slips, just when i thought he was getting better lol


even though there was plenty of game, plenty of slips, we were out for a good few hours and all the dogs ran well the bag was empty. just the way it goes i suppose but it was an enjoyable night and good to see the dogs streach there legs


my pups recall was good during the day so im thinking i need to do some night time trainning to get him up to scratch, iv been working more on recall and retrive after mine and daks outing and he is getting better, suppose ill have to do more night time trainning aswell as daytime


no pics as nothing was caught




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cheers mate he done well on sunday and ran well last nite just his recall was shit

i had the same problem with my first pup mate he soon grew out of it now he knows soon as he gets bak on the slip then the sooner hes next run is guna be just fink he was just to excited [bANNED TEXT] he was out atb anyways mate

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cheers mate he done well on sunday and ran well last nite just his recall was shit

i had the same problem with my first pup mate he soon grew out of it now he knows soon as he gets bak on the slip then the sooner hes next run is guna be just fink he was just to excited [bANNED TEXT] he was out atb anyways mate

patience is the makins good luck lads :clapper:

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yeah hes an exitable dog first night out he pulled and yapped abit when the lamp was on a rabbit, then he only started to yap when watching the other dog run and last nite only yapped a few times so seems like hes getting better, when i went out with daks his recall was getting better towards the end of the night but last night was shit, nevermind im sure ill get there in the end


atb sam

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yeah hes an exitable dog first night out he pulled and yapped abit when the lamp was on a rabbit, then he only started to yap when watching the other dog run and last nite only yapped a few times so seems like hes getting better, when i went out with daks his recall was getting better towards the end of the night but last night was shit, nevermind im sure ill get there in the end


atb sam

i would keep the slips to a minimum untill his recall is spot on mate,seems you may be giving him to many chances during the night out to keep repeating the habit,jmo good luck with it :thumbs:

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cheers for the advice mate iv only been giving him the easy runs to keep his confidence up just trying to take it slow with him, his recall has been abit dodgey since about 7 month old but he is getting better using treats and loads of praise#




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