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breaking terrier to ferrets

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hi all new on not long got my new jill not had ferrets for 15 plus years lifes setled down now so time was right but my 17 month old terrier is not so keen on this as he has been number one all his life now theres a new kid on the block he knows its not a squirell or a rat i think he just aint in to it i take him down the shed every morning but have to keep hold of him, if they are to become a team it has to work any advise on breaking them i know his age is a factor ,i live in surrey could do with a albino jill as well any spare from last summer black eyed prefferd also come the spring the use of a polecat hob would be magic anyone in the area many thanks guys

Edited by Jamie m
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i think he might be to old now mate but you can still try just everytime hes agressive towards the ferrets correct him


Never to old in my opinion, I broke 2 of my 3 terriers to ferrets and they are all over 2 years. The two jrt have worked rat and rabbit, but just did what has been said above every time they made a move or was agressive towards the ferrets correct them, they have to know the ferrets are your and not to touch. My border is just a no go tried everything he just wont take to them. Give it time and put the work in and ATB mate John :thumbs:

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Good luck!


I cant get my terrier broken to ferrets for the life of me!


Hes been "corrected" so many times that now he sees them and looks the other way, total avoidance, but if my back is turned they would be toast. They can run round in front of him in the garden and he just shakes and looks the other way but if he ever got the chance I know they would only last a second.


Ive given up, ferretings not really his thing anyway but it would still be nice to be able to trust him. Lucky the lurchers know the score!

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