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HELP!! retrieving?

Guest Lurchers2006

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Guest Lurchers2006

OK lads i need some help i hav my first lurcher 2 months now and hes 9 months i brought him out twice on the lamp for a little run and hes caught 5 but wont retrieve them instead runs around and trys to eat them, i need some tips as this is my first lurcher

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my dog retrieves a tennis ball,rabbit skins,dead rabbits but next time she catches a rabbit she crunches it.she has retrieved a rabbit a a couple of feat away but she mostly puts them down.she has been very hard to train as she was such a nervous pup.i dont mind her not retrieving but it would be nice if she did. as anyone had the same problems and got there dog to retrieve.


good hunting



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I am going through the same thing with my bitch here REW mate.

she will retreive to hand all day long with tennis balls, rope toys, canvas dummys, rabbit skin dummys you name it but as soon as she gets hold of a rabbit she runs all over throwing it about and then eventually she will come in close but always drops the rabbit short.

its as annoying as feck so I would also welcome any advice from the more experienced members among us


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bit of a problem have you tried walking away from her with back turned like your not to interested and dont shout at her when she crunches them is she young patience could be the key if she starts to bring it back keep walking see how you get on when she eventually starts to bring it back kneel down and put your hand out see how you go lets know how you get on,had my young lurcher retrieve a live grey squirrel to hand last week the squirrel wasnt too happy good luck anyway.

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I've asked for help with retrieving problems more than once on 2 or 3 forums. Last time I raised it on here I got some good advice and useful tips.


Here you go.....




Just to update the outcome with my lurcher, she's now over 3 years old and on a good day will retrieve dummies reliably enough to not show me up in the odd obedience test.


However, on the rare occasions she gets her jaws round a real live rabbit, her retrieve is rubbish, she usually runs about 50 yards in the wrong direction, crunches them til they're dead, then reluctantly brings them in and drops them short. Mind you, every rabbit she's caught this year, (3 or 4) has been mxyied, and she doesn't like carrying these because they're always wick with fleas, more than once I've seen her drop mxyis and start pawing at her face to get the fleas off.


If you trained your lurcher to retrieve before starting him, and you're working him on his own, then maybe he'll come good once the novelty wears off? I'm sure mine would.

Edited by MOLLY
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