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Over the moon

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Just got back in from an hour or so out with the lamp, not that unusual, you might think?

Well tonight was the night that i finally bit the bullet and left Sophie in the kennel and took out Mia, my Saluki/Grey pup,well 13months old.

Things didnt get of to an ideal start,Sophie was less than amused at being left with the terriers and proceeded to howl like a Banshee when i took Mia away.As i was only going to try a couple of local spots i set off on foot, and i have to admit, i almost returned home without even switching on the lamp due to the noise Sophie was making-I felt terrible :cry:

Anyway, i got to the first set of fields and have a sweep around with the lamp after just staring at fleeing rabbits a couple of times, somthing clicked for Mia and she gave chase,(always a releif)

These first bunnies were missed, but then came the first surprise of the night,No hunting up :yahoo: After a quick peer in to the hedge,she just comes trotting back.

Now to say that this dog has been a lttle disodient up until tonight would be an understatment of massive proportions(until she was about 6 months old i thought she was deaf....seriously) So after this amazing feat of not buggering off,im already over the moon even without any bunnies to her name yet!

The next small patch of land i wanted to try is a short walk down the road and on my way i passed a field which always holds a bunny or too.We pick one up in the beam thats ventured a little far from home and after much twisting and turning, shes got it :) Now, at this point im expecting her to shake it to pieces and take off with it around the field(a favourite trick withh any toys) So i climb on the hedge to go too her, flick the lamp on too see where im jumping, and there she is rabbit in mouth(alive) and she hands it to me. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Thats right, the first one live to hand :D To prove this wasnt a fluke she also did the same with numbers 2 and 3!

As you can see im over the moon,aswell as totally shocked by her apparent transformation.

Called it a night then, no baterries in the camera :( But ill get some pics up tommorrow!

Happy Days :yes:

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well done mate,i bet it took a while for the excitement to die down when you get home,i can never sleep when things go that well with youngsters,i usually end waking the full house up to tell them the crack :D well done again :clapper::clapper:

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wel done mate sounds like youve got the makings of good little dog!



just to digress a little


(until she was about 6 months old i thought she was deaf....seriously)


is this common with saluki crosses i have heard some people that think they are very stubburn to say the least??


well done again!


good hunting



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nice bitch are you going to use her on the bunnys day time as well ?

Not too many of them around here mate, but would love to see her have ago, you never know.


wel done mate sounds like youve got the makings of good little dog!



just to digress a little


(until she was about 6 months old i thought she was deaf....seriously)


is this common with saluki crosses i have heard some people that think they are very stubburn to say the least??


well done again!


good hunting



Shes the first dog with Saluki blood in it ive owned so i cant give a very informed opinion on that one mate, all i can say is taht in her case its been like banging my head against a brick wall during her (attempted) training.However, once out in the field, so far she has been a different dog.

From other Salukis i have seen and her, i think that the hunting instinct in them is the strongest of all sight hounds.

You considering one then?

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