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I have used Nutella chocolate spread - you can spread it on a vertical surface a bit off the ground so they have to reach for it a bit - it presents a better shot and they can't wander off with it - peanut butter is the same, other people swear by a tin of cheap cat food, just open the tin and leave it out and they'll go for it, still others suggest whizzing up cat food in a blender so again, there's no chunks for them to wander off with.


good luck, i do enjoy a bit of 'bait and wait' with rats - i do not like rats.



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:gunsmilie: cheers sminky will give it a try mate :boxing:


when we put the lamp on in some old sheds i said holy shit look at them, thay were climbing the walls on the roof in the roof inside the walls, rat shit all over some of it was about 3inch deep.


when in the sheds we turned off the lamp and listened......... :icon_eek: rats rats rats everywere screeming running past us boy i didnt sleep well that night lol back soon for round 2 :boxing:

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I have been shooting rats for the last four years or so and have tried just about every combination you can think of some of my better baits are, yoghurt stored in a used washing up liquid bottle so you can easily put it exactly where you want it, some of the thicker yoghurts I mix with a drop of sunflower oil and use a hand blender to mix.for fussy rats mix a small amount of gravy granules in with anything from yoghurt, believe me it works.


Nothing goes to waste in my house if it can go in the blender it gets used, for a "ToP Tip" go to your local Tescos or Asdas and look in the reduced section you will be supprised what baits you can pick up and very cheap

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