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Blame the countryside alliance for the hunt ban if you like but just remember that hunting would have been banned at least a decade ago if it wasn't for the work they'd done,yes I agree they are old news now,we all thought they were going to save our beloved sports of varying types and in the end it didn't happen but we'd have been having this discussion a long time ago if it was still old BFSS days.

regards chris

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Blame the countryside alliance for the hunt ban if you like but just remember that hunting would have been banned at least a decade ago if it wasn't for the work they'd done,yes I agree they are old news now,we all thought they were going to save our beloved sports of varying types and in the end it didn't happen but we'd have been having this discussion a long time ago if it was still old BFSS days.

regards chris



i dont blame them for the hunt ban that would be silly :no:


i blame them for not portraying hunting in all it's forms and in all the classes of society that partake :)


a scottish mp said after the ban north of the border "thats one in the eye for the toff's in red coats" which shows it as the class prejudice it really is,


that same SOCIALIST SMP would possibly have thought differently if hunting had been shown in it's true light and had shown lads in council houses and the vast majority of us on here who have to work for a living using a dog or two to help a farmer/landowner who is eeking a living on a hill farm




Think about it the CA were too defensive and not pro-active enough, if they had shown the full array of hunting with dogs the media, the public and even some anti hunt mp's would have changed their minds....please just think about that ;)

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I'm with Compo on this one. I was around in the BFSS days and nothing seems to have changed since then. It's all (and always has been) 98% concerned with the guys in coloured jackets. Seen as something that only concerned the Tories and their supporters. If an MP was in a non tory constituancy, he usually felt he should knock All forms of hunting or else just shut the f*** up about it.


I've never personally heard of a poll on the matter, but it's always seemed to me that more lurchers live on council estates than country ones.

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I'm with Compo on this one. I was around in the BFSS days and nothing seems to have changed since then. It's all (and always has been) 98% concerned with the guys in coloured jackets. Seen as something that only concerned the Tories and their supporters. If an MP was in a non tory constituancy, he usually felt he should knock All forms of hunting or else just shut the f*** up about it.


I've never personally heard of a poll on the matter, but it's always seemed to me that more lurchers live on council estates than country ones.



when i run the country there will be a position for his honourable mister Ditch shitter in my cabinet :11:

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apologies Compo I misunderstood what you meant,Ditch shitter misrepresentation of field sports hasn't changed really even since bffs days but you still have to agree wether you feel they represented us or not they still got us 10 more years of doig what we want to do,legally that is jmo

regards chris

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apologies Compo I misunderstood what you meant,Ditch shitter misrepresentation of field sports hasn't changed really even since bffs days but you still have to agree wether you feel they represented us or not they still got us 10 more years of doig what we want to do,legally that is jmo

regards chris



no need to apologise, perhaps i didn't explain sufficently my pointy initially, anyway for your apology you can have a cabinet seat, you,me and ditch shitter, to replace Tony Bliar, John "chippolata" "two jags" Prescott and that weary scottish pillock Brown :11:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Ditch shitter you still have to agree they still got us 10 more years of doing what we want to do, legally.


Beg to differ, mate. My personal focus is actually on catching rats and such. Thus, who ever 'They' are, or were, I personally feel they somewhat fumbled the catch and made me a virtual outlaw.


'They' have now allowed it to enter the statutes that my Dog may not pursue a Rat, for chrissake, without I have Written Permission from the owner of the land on which that takes place. (You ever tried obtaining written permission, from the Council, for your Dog to do that, on the street alongside the local MacDonalds?)


So now, if my Dog takes out Public Enemy No. 1? I'm shafted. 'They', mheanwhile, retain their right to " Exercise Hounds " with impunity. They may do that for the next ten years. They've still sold Me down the river.


Still; At least I've never deluded myself they'd do anything but ..... :(

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Ditch shitter you still have to agree they still got us 10 more years of doing what we want to do, legally.


Beg to differ, mate. My personal focus is actually on catching rats and such. Thus, who ever 'They' are, or were, I personally feel they somewhat fumbled the catch and made me a virtual outlaw.


'They' have now allowed it to enter the statutes that my Dog may not pursue a Rat, for chrissake, without I have Written Permission from the owner of the land on which that takes place. (You ever tried obtaining written permission, from the Council, for your Dog to do that, on the street alongside the local MacDonalds?)


So now, if my Dog takes out Public Enemy No. 1? I'm shafted. 'They', mheanwhile, retain their right to " Exercise Hounds " with impunity. They may do that for the next ten years. They've still sold Me down the river.


Still; At least I've never deluded myself they'd do anything but ..... :(



MAN KILLS RATS WITH DOGS OUTSIDE MACDONALDS WHILE MUNCHING ON A BIG MAC MEAL :rofl: there is no way this would ever go to court , and come the day that reporters ever report such a story then we are all f****d , FOOD FOR THOUGHT ! man eats big mac meal while his dogs run rampent round macdonals killing rats animal rights actovists demand a jail centance , one rat is in intesive care due to this mans rash dession to go out and kill our wild life and fauna using dogs who have ben misguded and illtreated to give them a lust for blood :wacko: QC for the defendent says in the mans defence f**k THE BAN ........................

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For what it's worth, the big Alliance stand at the CLA Game Fair this year had a bloody great range of hounds (proper dogs and scent hounds), with everything from pure whippets all the way up to muckle great deerhounds, with coursing greyus, lurchers with every combination of under/over 23", rough/smooth, dog/bitch, working/just for love and licks that you could possibly imagine, as well as the foxhounds/beagles/harriers that you always see.

The truth is, smoochers and lampmen are a solitary kind of a breed, and we don't do big packs. My ideal number for a night on the lamp is 2 - me and the dog - and if I take a pal it's to share it with him and convert him, not to get a big bag. Scent hound packs dont' have to do it silently (quite the reverse - we call it "opening up" and frown on it, they call it "giving tongue" and go on about the music of the hounds.) Different strokes for different folks, but let's not be surprised when silent, slinky-through-the-dark alone people make less of a song and dance about their sport than colourful, noisy, dramatic packs. I love 'em both to bits, and I'd break the law again to defend all of us in our chosen management, but we've ourselves to blame as mcuh as the Alliance if we haven't got a higher public profile. We may nto make a noise when we're out, but for God's sake let's do it when we're not...

PS - the vicar in our church used his lamping dog (gh x beddie) for his sermon last week for the kids to tell them they had to find somethign that they were brilliant at too - now THAT'S publicity!

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For what it's worth, the big Alliance stand at the CLA Game Fair this year had a bloody great range of hounds (proper dogs and scent hounds), with everything from pure whippets all the way up to muckle great deerhounds, with coursing greyus, lurchers with every combination of under/over 23", rough/smooth, dog/bitch, working/just for love and licks that you could possibly imagine, as well as the foxhounds/beagles/harriers that you always see.

The truth is, smoochers and lampmen are a solitary kind of a breed, and we don't do big packs. My ideal number for a night on the lamp is 2 - me and the dog - and if I take a pal it's to share it with him and convert him, not to get a big bag. Scent hound packs dont' have to do it silently (quite the reverse - we call it "opening up" and frown on it, they call it "giving tongue" and go on about the music of the hounds.) Different strokes for different folks, but let's not be surprised when silent, slinky-through-the-dark alone people make less of a song and dance about their sport than colourful, noisy, dramatic packs. I love 'em both to bits, and I'd break the law again to defend all of us in our chosen management, but we've ourselves to blame as mcuh as the Alliance if we haven't got a higher public profile. We may nto make a noise when we're out, but for God's sake let's do it when we're not...

PS - the vicar in our church used his lamping dog (gh x beddie) for his sermon last week for the kids to tell them they had to find somethign that they were brilliant at too - now THAT'S publicity!



i have never been quiet about what i do, ever since school when during a debate in english my topic was fieldsports, it was me versus the rest of the class-it was a draw :11: i managed to convert a few and explain a few points to others--i have never shied away from an arguement or fight and usually win or draw--


and as for the CA having lurchers on the stand at the CLA well-"stable door-horse bolted-close - after" re-arrange them :11:

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i have never been quiet about what i do, ever since school when during a debate in english my topic was fieldsports, it was me versus the rest of the class-it was a draw :11: i managed to convert a few and explain a few points to others--i have never shied away from an arguement or fight and usually win or draw--


and as for the CA having lurchers on the stand at the CLA well-"stable door-horse bolted-close - after" re-arrange them :11:


3 cheers for you Compo for taking the fight to the antis, but I fear you're not necessarily one of the majority. And before things descend into yet another bicker, if we're honest we can recognise that sighthounds as opposed to scenthounds came out particularly badly from the nonsense Act - after all, coursing's mentioned by name in the title, so they've got it even worse than lampers... And perhaps, just perhaps, we could have done / could still do more to up our profile, rather than perhaps saying "Hey, I'm poaching nayway, so I'm damned if I'm going ot advertise it!"


Stable doors? You know your pointy-noses, Compo - they're terrific bolters :11: I think Churchill had a point - when you're going through hell, keep going...


Hope your next out's a winner,



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