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my little patterdale 14 weeks and a right little shit

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here are some photos i got him off THE BROCK, bristoltim also has a bitch i wouldnt mind seeing some other photos of the litter too. well as i said he is 14 weeks old took two holes of watching my bitch befor he was off down aswell chased out one white tail or on his own which i missed and my bitch had her head in another hole then my bitch bolted another right out under my feet and caught hold of that one then entailed the tug of war match between them she dropped it because she doesnt like confrontation between other dogs and he finished it i didnt plan on working the hedges and especially not with with him and at his age but things happened,and im well impressed with the gamey ness in him he gives my bitch hell and the other dogs in the kennel next door so im hoping for big things to come my bitches is quick really quick and loves to chase shes a very good busher to the lurchers but backs off once she has caught it and the other dogs come in she finishes the job quick and doesnt shy away if a fox turns just dogs dunno why? i also let him keep the rabbit as a reward all in all a very good day







Edited by Rugersrob
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got him from THE BROCK up in derby i think hes nick steven / wheeler i think not to sure not fussed about breeding like that just aslong as he does what i want im well chuffed.

how do mate nice pup i to have a pup of 13 weeks and a jrt bitch the pup is a [bANNED TEXT] lil shit my lil jrt chest is starting to loose fur and go pinky colour you can see tiny pin marks on her chest where little 1 has got hold of her coller and shook while play fighting but you never here her yelp and she just comes back for more thinkiing its just a game. cracking looking dogs

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got him from THE BROCK up in derby i think hes nick steven / wheeler i think not to sure not fussed about breeding like that just aslong as he does what i want im well chuffed.

how do mate nice pup i too have a pup of 13 weeks a pat/lakeland a norfolk terrier/pat and a jrt bitch the pup is a little shit my little jrt chest is starting to loose fur and go pinky colour you can see tiny pin marks on her chest where little 1 has got hold of her coller and shook while play fighting but you never here her yelp and she just comes back for more thinkiing its just a game. cracking looking dogs by the way

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