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New to ferreting

Guest crossy da real deal

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Guest crossy da real deal

hi im new to ferreting and i i have just been given a hob a jill kit. they are 2 months old. could any one tell me [bANNED TEXT] they will be ready to work :signthankspin:

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Guest ferreting king

they will be ready in october and just to get them started off , if you can get hold of a fesh rabbit , dont skin it or anything just tir fishing line around its body a drag it through a pipe and let the ferret chase it and catch it and then feed it to the ferret

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Guest chilli
they will be ready in october and just to get them started off , if you can get hold of a fesh rabbit , dont skin it or anything just tir fishing line around its body a drag it through a pipe and let the ferret chase it and catch it and then feed it to the ferret




:11: :11: :11:

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Guest Bigbob
they will be ready in october and just to get them started off , if you can get hold of a fesh rabbit , dont skin it or anything just tir fishing line around its body a drag it through a pipe and let the ferret chase it and catch it and then feed it to the ferret



if you got to do that mate binn them and get some off sombody who has WORKING FERRETS

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Totally agree there is no need to train a ferret to go after rabbits. The only thing I have carried on doing from the days I was in school when I couldn’t afford hemp or heavy nylon purse nets is leave one in the court with them so they get the hang of going through with out having a ‘bottle brush’ moment and twist and tangling the f**k out of the nets :realmad: . I still do this and let the kits play with the collars on for a day or two ( not on all the time just while I’m there feeding them and so on) before I first take them out. Any one else do any thing similar?

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Guest Bigbob

The only thing i do is give them a couple of burrows following there mother to ground you wont be able to do this .Then for a few months i check every burrow they have been through with a adult ferret and i dont class them as working ferrets till there second season .But given time and carefull handling they should work out sound

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Guest craftycarper
they will be ready in october and just to get them started off , if you can get hold of a fesh rabbit , dont skin it or anything just tir fishing line around its body a drag it through a pipe and let the ferret chase it and catch it and then feed it to the ferret




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Guest craftycarper

Better still dig a maze of tunnels/ burrows throughout your back lawn


Pass a length of cord through burrows with a dead rabbit on the end


Attach said cord to lure machine the other end


Enter ferret


let rip with lure machine


two weeks of this strict regime daily should see the ferts reaching Lynford christie speeds enabling them to bolt or catch the fastest of wabbits...


ps dont forget a good staple diet and get them to bed early each night...



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