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Out for a walk

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Evening all,after a hard day in the garden today thought i would go for a stroll on the farm next door with my mates s410. Unfortunatly for him he had to go to some girly party :haha: Never mind cottswood there will be another time :tongue2:

Befor i set off i took the gun down to the bottom of the garden to take a look in the field behind our house , sat on the top of the nearest tree was a jackdaw , but not for long :clapper: One down and i hadnt even left yet !!

My daughter asked if she could come with me tonight and as it was the weekend i said she could , She is nine years old and wanted to see me shooting . We walked through the first field and as we turned into the second there was a young rabbit sat 15 yards away. It was a sitter of a shot but i showed my daughter how small it was and explained that it was not big enough to eat so we would leave it for another day.

We walked arond for about 20 minutes when the next bunnie was sighted , Jem saw it first about 40 yards away, so we crept along the hedgerow until we were about 20 yards from him. I lined him up in my sights, took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger. Smack , down he went with bearly a twitch. When we picked him up , Jem asked if she could carry him, "No problem" i said , happy that she had seen how quick the rabbit had gone over and she knew we were going to take him home for the pot.

We walked the rest of the field , and shot one more rabbit from around 30 yards ,again a head shot straight down .(Cottswood ive got to get an s410 its an awesome piece of kit :gunsmilie: ()

As we walked back with Jem carrying the rabbits , she asked if she could help me to skin and gut them.She watched me sort them both out , even asking what bits were what ! The best biology lesson she has ever had , and she understands where her meat comes from , not just a shrinkwrapped parcel from tescos.

Anyway sorted the rabbits out ready for the freezer , Popped to the bottom fo the garden to check uot the farmers yard and had a gnarly old rat from under his corn bin :D

A perfect end to a perfect day. :good:

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