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300 bar vs 232bar ?

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In short yes. The higher pressure means you can refill the rifle more times before getting the bottle filled. Remember when the bottle pressure gets to around 180-190 It will need refilling which doesn't leave an awfull lot of fills from a 232 bar bottle.....

Edited by maty j
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Guest Scuba1
Could someone let me know what the advantages are over a 300 bar bottle vs a 232bar bottle ? Are the differences that significant to the amount of charges they provide..


Have a look at THIS





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Guest Scuba1

" How many fills do I get out of a dive bottle." here is one example to work it out.


You have 300 bar in a 12 liter bottle of that you can use 100 bar as you are filling to 200.


So 12l X 100 bar is 1200l


The AA410 has i think a 150 cc tank, so 150cc times 100 bar is 15l ( because you are filling from 100 to 200 bar )


so 1200l / 15l = 80 fills


Now if the cylinder size of your gun or your diving cylinder is different just change that in the math bit and you are sorted.

Now Albert Einstein and Co will say " Hang on a minute I am filling the hose from zero every time I fill my gun up so where does that go" It goes PPPFFFFFFTTTT as this is only a guide and not a way of working it out right down to the last fill so give it plus minus 10 fills or so. Because most of us fill to 190 bar from 110 etc. But working it out this way is a start when you have a look at what bottle you want to buy.

One other thing: never ever use compressed oxygen to fill a PCP or you could find yourself in hunters heaven sooner then you may think, as oils and grease will explode when in contact with pure oxygen.





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