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TRaining groups and information classes.

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would it not be quite a good idea for people in the same area to form a sort of group meat up once a fourtnight or month or even weekly if there was enough intrest so that people with experience can give advice to lads who are learning and so that people get more into a habbit of helping each other in this game it would also be an idea to all knock our heads the gether and maybe plan a talk to give around the country explaining the benifits of our way of controling vermin for instance what effect is gasing poisons etc having on our invironmeant etc if you think about it all these people obsesed with the o zone layer etc will come round to it and eventualy maybe anti's look at it like this use a dog for controling rabbit fox rat etc and it has no impact on our world realy but even a little thing like electric fencing to stop fox's is having an impact even shooting realy when you look at it as its using our resourses to do a job that could be done just as eficiantly but with little or no impact on the planet at all now im maybe nuts but i think enough thought and consideration and we have a very good reason for the ban to be lifted at the end of the day these antis cant argue the fact that its in the long run going to be in the planets best intrest so surely enough people backing it and enough public backing and we surely have a good case on our hands.


anyway if im talking crap then just tell me but its just an idea

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no no not money mate not classes as in pay to view i mean lads who of there own backs meet up and help newcomers with learning and basics not in the field taking game obviously but just generaly helping each other as for the classes i also meant lads who if we all chipped in and put some work into a talk or whatever and demonstration no money involved from anyone and do a free talk etc as i say at a school or whatever something like a high school or even primary get everyone on the playing field and ask questions whats a lurcher ? what do lurchers do etc etc then get volountiers out and stick a net up etc and do some work with a dumy or something retrieveing over a long net or suhink and maybe a short lure chase or something im sure every child there would think the lure course bit was fun and intresting if you get the kids to think its intresting fun however you do it surely its good think the more kids to think that the more that will grow up thinking admonish the ban or at least lift it a bit with licences needed or something also why not do a barbique or something and cook rabbits on it get parental concent forms and if they wanna participate then let them if not even watching how others enjoy it could be all it takes this is not in anyway a money making idea this is purely an idea that if we of our own backs went out and done something like this then it would end up in a paper or something someplace and for once would be a good thing said about the sport i think half the problem is lack of awareness 90% of kids nowadays wont even know what a ferret is never mind know that a rabbit is edible its instiled into them to think a rabbits a pet and its cruel to kill rabbit fox etc unless we change the outlook its never going to get any better is it ?

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i get what your saying mate just thought if maybe we could tell it like its safer for the planet and show that gasing and other methods like this are damaging it then maybe we could twist it and be onto something as after all gasing and poisons must have some sort of affect on the so called o zone layer

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p.s i havent forgot about the ferret kits mate the albino bitch has 11 the now not sure if the black eye did the job but if he did ill get one to you failing that a mate has a litter from a silver bitch to a black eye white there same age as mine so once the eyes open if mine aint ill give you the lads num [bANNED TEXT]

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i suppose was just an idea to see what people thought and if people thought it was worth trying to do something a dunno im board stiff had the dogs out at 6 and nothing left to do now lol

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