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Posts posted by OldNog

  1. dont jog....RUN.


    Jogging is easy and once you find your comfort zone you could do it all day.


    Best thing i found is interval training. A quick mile jog to warm up, then run hard for 2 mins or so then a rest period/ slow jog for 30 secs to a minute then back to the 2 min hard run. Do this a few times then warm down with another jog for a mile or so.


    Thats what i do for my boxing training.


    If you live near a beach aswell like i do, do the above but on the hard running sessions sprint like feck up any steps going up the cliff side.


    The key is to really push yourself until the point where you literally think you are gunna die......then a little bit more!


    :icon_eek: Stone me the bird wants to lose a few lb not fight Klitchko !!....Id like to see anyone new to exercise run hard for 2 minutes flat let alone the other mile up mile down :D ....To recommend someone new to exercise push themself to the point they think their going to die.....is just a tad too much Rocky Balboa for a bird trying to lose a few lb :D


    they said they wanted to loose it fast :thumbs:

  2. dont jog....RUN.


    Jogging is easy and once you find your comfort zone you could do it all day.


    Best thing i found is interval training. A quick mile jog to warm up, then run hard for 2 mins or so then a rest period/ slow jog for 30 secs to a minute then back to the 2 min hard run. Do this a few times then warm down with another jog for a mile or so.


    Thats what i do for my boxing training.


    If you live near a beach aswell like i do, do the above but on the hard running sessions sprint like feck up any steps going up the cliff side.


    The key is to really push yourself until the point where you literally think you are gunna die......then a little bit more!

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