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Daniel cain

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Posts posted by Daniel cain

  1. 15 hours ago, Boss-Hog said:

    too proper classics theoben slr88 Monte Carlo stock and b and m bullpup .20 450 shots Kev g reg 



    Always fancied a theoban SLR...had a few fenmans and the Scirocco 2000...


    13 hours ago, eastcoast said:

    Theoben used some weird shit wood at the time. 

    The stock snapped on my 2000😔

  2. 4 hours ago, mC HULL said:

    walked up finished it off lol what a guy 

    Something similar happened to some lads I know,I had some cracking digging permission...not far from where old Foxdropper on here used to live...few lads Id taken there, decided to sly off and go ferreting behind my back...their dogs ended up,chasing some Roe into a back garden....there was a couple of young kids playing on a trampoline...dogs pulled a roe right Infront of them....some bloke comes running out as the one lads despatching it...starts taking photos as he's dragging it out the garden ,they straight in the motor,and fucks off back over the bridge to wales🙈 I get a call from the farmer, asking WTF'S going on....wasn't welcomed back for some reason 🙄👍

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  3. I always got 10/20 moletraps in the back of my jeep... offered the service to farmers/horsey heads over the years and gained some decent digging/ratting/ferreting permission,same with the snares when you could do it,few times tipped up for a dig,and there was a few 'baggies' in the barn for us😉👍

  4. 1 hour ago, tank34 said:

    What makes you think he's anti christ ? 

    Have you not been listening to the shite he's been spouting..He's painting himself as a pillar of light, swearing he's been sent from God ....as the Saviour to mankind🤣. he's a dangerous clown...he wouldn't even put his hand on the bible when sworn in😉lots of people actually think he's the Messiah and he's been sent as God's servant 😬.. plenty more can see through straight through him👍

  5. 30 minutes ago, gunter said:

    We were out one day and a man's terrier went in we dug down and it was pulling on something...the man said she's some bitch lads .. he was well pleased...until he pulled the rabbit out he got some abuse lol

    I ve seen the same many times myself.....and the  dog  don't go home with them...usually because they hissing/encouraging the dog on....once is enough for any man...the worse habit a digging dog can have imo,up there with baying at scent🙈👍

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  6. 1 hour ago, Welsh_red said:

    So she was a Christian and feared going back to Pakistan because of her religion.  So in Pakistan they don't like Christians . So why do So many come over here 

    Just like these Africans,claiming they be killed for being a homo...then get caught acting like Romeo and swindling 50 women a time ,on the internet over here🤣

  7. 11 minutes ago, Goly said:

    Mate I tuck a pay cut to get on board with NWR. I was off track for ten years doing track civils, I'd just had enough of working away and when I saw this local job I took it. The graft, the weather, they don't bother me, I just detest night shifts, I'd rather do a 9 hour day shift than a night shift that's half the time. Lol

    There's different avenues I could try and take, SSOW planning, lift planning, etc, but it's dropping on a job when they become available. As I said, in our department there's patrollers that just do days, Mon-Thur and a Sunday when they're rostered that weekend. I'm going to have a word with the section manager and see if I can stick on days. Night shifts are bad for your health as they are, only getting 2-3 hours kip a day is even worse. Lol

    My Old man's just turned 65... worked permanent nights for over 30 yrs( I worked for 6 yrs with him)..says he's retiring in August this yr...I personally think he be brown bread in 18 months....gave up all his hobbies,fishing,guns dogs,his fishing boat, along,long time ago,all he knows is graft and the odd Saturday watching /taking his grandkids to football/rugby... fair play he got money in the bank....but when he goes,the step mother and her lot will be all over everything he's ever worked for ....I asked him long ago to just leave me a few keepsakes of my Grand dad Dukes ...dont need his money....I'd make my own way in life....


    What I'm saying is....Life ain't all about work and money mate...time with your family is worth more than gold...before you know it,all them yrs have passed you bye, it's all gone....because  money can't buy you happiness...👍

    • Thanks 2
  8. 26 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

    And all the best to you Daniel,  look pal, I bet I'm the oldest on this forum, but I'm.jist awaiting the latest results from.a pet scan, all being good, I have the opportunity to.fly out to Oz, on the 1st of may, 2 days afore my 81st. Fingers crossed, it's been the top of my bucket list fer yonks,  keep.ya chin up.pal, your a good lad 👍

    I hope your well Keith, plenty of life left in you I know😉 You enjoy Oz,one of the lads I was working for,is planning on moving out there,his sister been there 20 plus yrs,went at 18 yr old and only come back  home to visit...he went out Xmas time,and decided to shut the company down and sell his house and get out there full-time ,Mrs and 2 kids under 7...

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  9. 9 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

    Better of buying a field mate and sticking a caravan - chalet /log cabin 

    Thought of that 10 yrs back...but you need planning and to jump through hoops to get water/electric to it....there's always some sort of restrictions or your paying over the odds....ain't just as easy to buy some land and crack the f**k on mate,learnt that lesson having horses for the Mrs and daughter 👍

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  10. Nice shooting mate.... I've kind of lost my mojo... neighbours knocked my door ,back in the summer,asking if I'd sort out the ferals that keep roosting under their solar panels ,waking everyone up..had 32 to date,the fuckes keep appearing lol..not been out for time shooting rats or rabbits at night😔

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