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Posts posted by 6pack

  1. No big bags to brag about.

    My best day was the very first time out.

    Was never expecting the Borzoi to be of much, she was more use to prancing in the show ring. The blokes we were out with kept saying 'she's pretty isn't she!'

    But she took ok to ferreting, Did her bit, a fabulous retrieve live to hand.

    Saw her do what she was meant to do and we both came home exhausted and soo happy :D

    • Like 2
  2. WOW. This was a simple thread when I first read it!


    Since I posted the last thread in October - so long ago....

    After various troubles with transferring funds, 40 euro was sent by Mushy, transferring to £33 and change at the start of November.

    At the same time, the visit in November was cancelled and the monies owed and extra for a full set of vacc and passport promised. Between £200 - £250. At least £150 was promised.

    "£52.08 for the first 2 vax again, rabies can be done at the same time as the 2nd vax, so 2 weeks when you get the cash to me, then £51 to add the rabies jab and have him all fit to travel" is what I quoted with Mushy hoping to collect him at the beginning of December.

    Didn't hear anything then until the end of November. A deal gone wrong meant Mushy hadn't received funds as expected. Meant no cash and the December visit was cancelled. That is when I told Mushy of Trevs injury from a walk. Boneman and vet checked him over, couldn't find anything significant, but suggested lead walk for a month. Also said I needed Trev moving as had another boarder due in the new year and needed the space.

    Plan was then that Mushy would be over Chrimbo time, see the family and pick up Trev in the new year.

    First day of December I messaged Mushy and told him I needed funds as vet was refusing to treat my dog as funds were out standing. I made a payment plan with my vet, my dog was treated. :victory:

    Middle of December and still no funds, promised at the end of the month when Mushy got paid, I asked Mushy to sort somewhere else for Trev to go as I simply could not afford to keep Trev any longer. Chrimbo visit had been cancelled and I had no idea how much longer Trev would be with us. Mushy said he knew someone that could take him and would sort transport (I don't drive)

    Now been told £100 has been transferred - not cleared yet - and trev is still here.

    Have offered to rehome Trev, he is a fantastic dog, has been 100% all his time here. Feel bummed that circumstance has meant he has missed his first 'proper' season seeing some action.

    Mushy has been in touch to let me know how things stand. He seems determined Trev will be joining him in Spain. He has repeatedly said he misses his dog. Have tried to not be demanding, more understanding, but funds are effecting many things at home. My bull lurcher was attacked recently and my vet has refused to treat in surgery until my bill is cleared. Fortunately she is also a friend and has been advising on home treatment.

    Now everyone can make up their own minds!!

    In my mind, I have been messed around. Legally I can't rehome a dog that isn't mine, no one would want to be branded a theif, so I have no choice but to sit and play the waiting game.

    I think Mushy has been truthful with his unfortunate events, but it doesn't change the circumstance.

    I was asked to look after Trev for a few months, that doesn't equate to seven months in my book. But have given Mushy the benefit of doubt. What other options do I have?

    In 7 months, or 31 week I have received £170 once this £100 clears. A few reckon once he moves Trev I won't see another penny, but you wouldn't do that would you Mushy?

    • Like 1
  3. She was abusive to people that appeared to be of different country than her own.

    Am sure she speaks to all her friends in such a loving tone :victory:


    Do you agree with the way afganistan folk carry on? The women have no rights, no education, no real purpose as far as the men are concerned. If you believe that is wrong you are indeed being racist, as you are tarring an entire nation with the same brush.

    I could pick other countries, china is another good example.


    I'm not, you are,


    What i am getting at is: its not about being racist towards any one nation, its the simple fact that so many folk have been alowed into the country and dilute (in many places, heavily dilute) small portions of the country that the natives basicly feel surrounded.


    I personaly think that is wrong.

    I visited london a couple of weeks ago (for recreation purposes) and the day wasnt enjoyable at all, i felt surrounded by foreign people that didnt even speak english AT ALL.


    That isn't what she said at all.

    She abused a tram full of people with no idea where they came from or why they were there. And she based her vitriol purely on the colour of their skin.

    The woman that goes back at her at the end could have been German, South African - from anywhere - but Emma attacked the people of colour only.

  4. Imprisoned?? She's being held over night to face trial tomorrow.

    Just like many other peeps are held over night.


    Do you think it is right that she should face trial for what she said?


    I can remember not that long ago, that hook handed fella, cant remember his name, probably "mohammed" something, was preaching hatred and openly shouting far worse abuse in OUR streets about us and f**k all was done about it. I suspect if the truth be known, it happens daily and we are none the wiser because the "authorities" keep it quiet. They dont want to stir up a hornets nest.


    Got my days mixed up :huh:


    I think she was in the wrong.

  5. I know they did days out for people wanting to learn about ferreting etc, but I would imagine that this is aimed more at the 'pet' type owner who wants to take a comfortable break in Scotland and do a bit of ferreting at the same time. Jim's a genuine bloke, a bloody good dog behaviourist and a top lurcherman IMO: I hope he gets plenty of custom at a time when there's not a lot of dosh about. Having said that, there's still plenty of people with money...............just not on THL LOL


    Do pet type owners want to spend almost 400 sheets on a weekend break to kill bunnies? :laugh: Second thoughts i like the idea, any people out there want a ratting break with a terrier, you can kip in my spare room, have a pot noodle, toast for breakfast and i'll even treat you to a pizza at night...£300 per day :tongue2:


    Only messing, as i say best of luck to him, although i maintain its expensive


    Yes we do!

    It may seem steep, but his help and info is spot on. The only thing you need to bring is your dog. He covers everything from food to insurance.

    Have been on one of his days (not the Scotland weekend) - was struggling to find someone to go out with - it isn't just a day in a field. It is advice, instruction and fun.

    He is there for you and your dogs, not his bunny count. And his help and advice continues after the weekend. No cocky comments for asking questions like you can get on here. He's a sound bloke.

    If any of you lads are willing to offer the same cheaper, I'm interested.


    But surely your someone getting into the sport, rather than George and Mildred down the road with pet Vizla Tibbles who one day wake up and think rather than an all inclusive in Madrid, lets go kill some bunnies? :tongue2: For £375 i would hope i didn't have to bring food and insurance, and of course you wont get cocky comments, hes getting £375 off you :thumbs: I have taken a few lads out, im no expert, not at all, just been happy to take a few youngsters out and show them a nights lamping. And as we already said Raiye, me and thee will get out this season, and if i can help in anyway thats great, i enjoy watching otehrs enjoy their sport :victory:


    Looking forward to it Simo :thumbs:

    When I 'did' a days ferreting with Jim, I had never done anything at all. I had worked previously with him as a trainer and liked him.

    He's good with his dogs, good with mine and no bullsh!t.


    "The cost per person £375 or Couple £700 This includes two nights with dinner, B&B and packed lunch or as you are right in the middle of the field, soup etc at the house a very good tea with lots of cakes. The rooms are all en-suite - they 4 star with the tourist board - and very comfy. There is what was the garden at the back with a deer fence for any dogs who you aren't too sure how far they will run. There is lots of space for the dogs to work and also varied conditions from open fields to a quarry which is hotching with rabbit holes."


    Added with his training and behaviour, as well as working knowledge, I think it a good deal.

  6. I only have to mention the Borzoi and comments and insults come flying. Laughing, jeering. And that's before saying I'm female and work for rescue.

    Don't get any of that with Jim.



    dont let a few foolish folk put you off, you DONT have to pay to be accepted :victory:


    lol. Didn't want to be accepted!

    I wanted to get out with my dog.

    It's OK saying that permission can be found - but what do you do once you get there?

    I came away with good advice, everything from setting nets, best to place my dog, gutting and skinning. And bunnies for the pot.

    There's no competition about my dog being better than yours or it's a blimmin jacker.

    His knowledge regards dogs is second to non - we have also called on him for behavioural advice - and he's a nice bloke on top.

    I went as a complete novice with no agro. Different type dogs in one day. We all got one to one time and had a great day.


    i aint gonna argue with you missy lol, but you obviously wanted to be accepted, you wanted to be accepted on a days ferreting without being jeered or sniggered at..

    all im saying is there are folk out there that are more than willing to do the same as this fella has done for you, free of charge... i know for a fact there is some very good offers in the available section, none a them ask for money an with folks like woodga in there, i doubt he would jeer at you or your dogs.. if you got your own permission an just unsure how to attack it so to speak, even better offer somebody a couple a days out or even a swap, your land then theres, more than 1 way to learn fieldsports :victory:


    Didn't realise we were arguing. lol.

    I have found them now thanks :victory: It takes a while sifting through and finding people you feel you can trust.

    Those that have it all in place already would have a great 'busmens' holiday out with Jim.

    But for others just starting and want a little more, Jims fab at that too. I think there a place for his services at this time and if others can offer the same, then go for it. There are people looking for it and willing to pay.

  7. I only have to mention the Borzoi and comments and insults come flying. Laughing, jeering. And that's before saying I'm female and work for rescue.

    Don't get any of that with Jim.



    dont let a few foolish folk put you off, you DONT have to pay to be accepted :victory:


    lol. Didn't want to be accepted!

    I wanted to get out with my dog.

    It's OK saying that permission can be found - but what do you do once you get there?

    I came away with good advice, everything from setting nets, best to place my dog, gutting and skinning. And bunnies for the pot.

    There's no competition about my dog being better than yours or it's a blimmin jacker.

    His knowledge regards dogs is second to non - we have also called on him for behavioural advice - and he's a nice bloke on top.

    I went as a complete novice with no agro. Different type dogs in one day. We all got one to one time and had a great day.

  8. I know they did days out for people wanting to learn about ferreting etc, but I would imagine that this is aimed more at the 'pet' type owner who wants to take a comfortable break in Scotland and do a bit of ferreting at the same time. Jim's a genuine bloke, a bloody good dog behaviourist and a top lurcherman IMO: I hope he gets plenty of custom at a time when there's not a lot of dosh about. Having said that, there's still plenty of people with money...............just not on THL LOL


    Do pet type owners want to spend almost 400 sheets on a weekend break to kill bunnies? :laugh: Second thoughts i like the idea, any people out there want a ratting break with a terrier, you can kip in my spare room, have a pot noodle, toast for breakfast and i'll even treat you to a pizza at night...£300 per day :tongue2:


    Only messing, as i say best of luck to him, although i maintain its expensive


    Yes we do!

    It may seem steep, but his help and info is spot on. The only thing you need to bring is your dog. He covers everything from food to insurance.

    Have been on one of his days (not the Scotland weekend) - was struggling to find someone to go out with - it isn't just a day in a field. It is advice, instruction and fun.

    He is there for you and your dogs, not his bunny count. And his help and advice continues after the weekend. No cocky comments for asking questions like you can get on here. He's a sound bloke.

    If any of you lads are willing to offer the same cheaper, I'm interested.

  9. and people wonder why there is so much shit being sold .


    culling has been done since day dot and only in recent years we have seen an influx in wanky pups being born and sold because the cuddly wuddly brigade wont cull.


    Or because every moron thinks his dog is worthy breeding?

    • Like 2
  10. 6pac you are just looking at it from a womans perspective. Call it sexist I call.it honesty.

    No offence intended.




    I think my perspective is based largely on rehoming many puppies. My opinion would be my own standard before breeding. I wouldn't breed without knowing I could home every pup that may come along.

  11. If you can secure 20 homes, 20 people that think your dogs are good enough to want a pup, and not just Bill Bloggs down the pub that agrees after a few Stellas, but good, honest people, then there should be no need to cull.

    Best to have to turn people away than beg for homes.

    If your dogs are up to it, then finding 20 good homes shouldn't be a problem - regardless of breed.

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