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Posts posted by CraignTod

  1. Pacman is world class, just because he lost to mayweather people seem to forget hes won world titles in 8 different weights, he just got beat on this occasion but its hard for fighters when they change weights..

    Pacman will destroy khan wont last many rounds be like the hattan fight that was entertaining ??

    • Like 1
  2. My missus was out the other week and the Whippet caught a big rabbit, very big in fact !


    Anyhoo, she was a bit worried,,,, about how long to keep it in the slow cooker ! lol.


    She even whipped off her T shirt to wrap it in to keep nosey eyes off it, (she had a sweatshirt on before yeh`s start) while she walked back to the motor.


    They flap at anything!! She got it off the dog and ran back to the car and was even worried because someone saw her running with it lol.. She paranoid someones following her next shes mental!

  3. On sunday midday im out ferreting having a good time and i get a call from the mrs, as i pick up i can hear she is upset so i ask whats up...

    "the dogs caught a rabbit" she says "and i think its someones pet!" :laugh:

    fook me i couldnt stop laughing, shes took the dog out for a walk and it catches a over weight brown lop eared rabbit and she got it in the back of the car :doh:

    she flap at anything i told her it wouldnt last long if the whippets had it because hes not soft atall..

    anyway half hour later rabbits dead in boot and she starts crying because she feels terrible its someone pet!..

    shes got some luck lately 2 days before someone reversed into her car lol

    • Like 3
  4. Excellent mate, job well done, if he starts with tame ish birds then the chicks he breeds will all follow suit, atb to him tho but going by effort he put in already I can't see there being many probs, he sounds a decent sort that will do things right

    thanks for the comments guys hes acting all koi :laugh:


    W.Katchum yeah hes got some fairly tame birds that he can perch on his fingers and the plan is to try breed a few so lets hope all goes well (Y)

    • Like 2
  5. The bitch is an indoor dog however while there is no one at home is proving to be a problem so ive build this in the garage.

    The chest freezer is for the game and pumps out a fair bit of heat, so my idea was to have an open side kennel for the heat from freezer... Ive meshed the bottom of freezer to stop any fire or burns you can just see in bottom of pic.

    Baring in mind she be in there 4-8 hours a day with radio/toys garage is fairly large. Cost me nothing as i used old wood i found.


    Any opnions/alterations would be great ?? atb




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