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About missmoreandmaster

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  1. Hi plum Mate keep your eyes on the road , or pull up to take a look next time. you'r lucky still nothing cut in cambridgeshire. Martin
  2. Hi guys went out today shooting almost in the same place as sunday , but the pigeons just didn't want to come into the decoys like they did on sunday those that did met my Rio 32 6's but the high birds where to much for me today ( I'am just not consistant enough) I only managed 26 for 60 shots. but disapointment aside right in front of me nearly all day was a lovley little brown bird (feathered) with a crested head, longish slender beak and light eyeshaddow marks, A pair of row dear almost close enough to touch, that bounded out of the uncut margin in front of me I tried to film t
  3. Hi all Our user name is missmore(the wife who misses more than she hits)and master(I wish) We both shoot she has her own 20g O/U plus 177s200 airarms pcp, I have hatsan 22 AT44,20g O/U, bakle 12gsbs and Escort magnum semi auto in 12g. we have 2 permissions one for rabits air guns only and one for all types of shooting and we have two dogs both no good in the field I have recently been aloud to start shooting again following a heart bypass opperation hence the purchase of the semiauto as it has a much softer kick. we both look forward to contrbuting to the forum . Regards M
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