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Leigh Temple

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Everything posted by Leigh Temple

  1. quick update.... my boy is still fighting strong his lump has reduced since an injection and his follow up antibiotics seem to holding but will need the implant, he's still bouncing around the garden so good positive signs he might recover fully. would like to thank you all for the help and info given it helped alot.
  2. no good news at the moment its possible he has the adrenal disease but im going to pay the price and get as much testing done as i can afford to found out whats going but vets reckon it could be that, thats lowering his imune system thus causing the problems in his glands else where and in short while went in weight of 1.9 down to 1.3, he's still bouncing and eating, but i wont know much else till i get him scanned and blood tested.
  3. it seems steep but its from going back several times (to the vet) getting test done to check for cancer etc and antibiotics and pain killers, they did attempt an op to take a closer look this is when they tell me its attached to the lymph node, heading to vets again in hours time to find out as much more as I can.
  4. My best worker has been out of action this season due to a very large lump on his lower jaw, after spending 200+ at the vets there is no sign of recovery, its getting bigger and harder as days go on and now he is molting eradically no major patches lost, but still had him five years and seen nothing like it, he is going back to vets this week but I would like to know if any one has any ideas on these matters.
  5. never had this problem after getting all mine snipped n spayed its worth doing if you not breeding
  6. This has been an amusing read, but yeah noise is a sin when it comes to hunting you dont want to shout down some rabbit holes when your trying to flush em out
  7. I'm looking for any experienced ferreters in Sussex to join me on hunts in shipley, I have plenty of land and rabbits that desperately need controlling. Unfortunately for me my best workers are out of action and my two jills enjoy pulling nets down rather than work the warrens. I have much more to learn and would benefit from someone with vast experience. I also lack the transport needed to get me to Shipley so any one who could drive would benefit me greatly.
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