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satan and todd

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Status Replies posted by satan and todd

  1. the video was all my doing i take full responsibility for it...................any problems pm me...

  2. the video was all my doing i take full responsibility for it...................any problems pm me...

    1. satan and todd

      satan and todd

      was comical i admit si the fooking sentence werent tho mate...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. the video was all my doing i take full responsibility for it...................any problems pm me...

  4. the video was all my doing i take full responsibility for it...................any problems pm me...

  5. nowt better to do then chat shit...

  6. nowt better to do then chat shit...

    1. satan and todd

      satan and todd

      had one till i got caught lol put ye own thinking to that one lol

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. yes you know....better bullx up north producing better stuff and you dont like it simples as that.

  8. I'm not being funny, but why doesn't anyone laugh at my jokes?

  9. I'm not being funny, but why doesn't anyone laugh at my jokes?

  10. I'm not being funny, but why doesn't anyone laugh at my jokes?

  11. guess who,s back in town... lol...

  12. Mk1 locator 15ft with 15ft terrier collar, SELING CHEAP at 80stg posted to uk, 90euro posted to r.o.i works perfect.

  13. i am william wallace yet again

    1. satan and todd

      satan and todd

      just jealous itl get ye no were .....least mine get clean watter

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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