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Posts posted by spartan

  1. I went into the aviary this morning and gave my birds there wild bird food which I'd picked from a reliable area and toped up there mealworms,and as usual they were straight on it smashing it to bits,then I had my hen greenfinch have a go at some meal worms and some egg food and went straight up to the nest and started to feed the two chicks then I sore something brilliant happen the green finch cock bird to exactly the same stocked up on some meal worms and went straight to the neat and started feeding the chicks so sat there and watched both parents feed the chicks which I thinks amazing :D proper chuffed with them

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  2. Had a visit from fireman today and checked over my greenfinch chicks which were ready for ringing.I've never rung any birds before so fireman done the first one for me and looked so easy as he just slipped it stright on.so like any young lad i thought this is gunna be easy but was so wrong as i was so nervous about hurting the chick i was shaking and fireman just gave me a little hand with getting the ring over the first three toes then i did the rest but can tell you now that was probably one of the most intense situation's I've been in and can't thank fireman enough for his help and hope to ring many more :D

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  3. Went in to the aviary yesterday and saw my hen greenfinch with some nesting material in her mouth and was flying up to one of my nest pans i put out,went in there today and there's a nest pan full of nesting material witch shes sorting out so hopefully in the coming days I should have my first greenie egg.Well chuffed :D

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  4. I'm only 16 and the first time I've done it properly i first started with a pair of canaries at the start of last year and this was in my room but they bred and had some lovely chicks but didn't have room for them so i have them all to my grandad and then set out on building my on aviary ready for this year and with some help from my grandad i did just that and started to collect birds again half way into the year to get ready for this year and now were here i can't wait :D

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  5. I've just really got in to it Pete and tbh i can't get enough of it,it's so addictive i spent age's in the aviary and just loose track of time some times and im not in it for the money or so i can say i have the best show quality birds.i'd rather give birds away to people i know look after them than for a massive amount of money and tbh i don't really like the show quality birds there way to big and dull in colour.i love it because i get to wake up in the morning and see them singing away in the aviary and there quite funny little characters and it just brings me a massive buzz when it comes to times like this

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