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About spartan

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    Born Hunter

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  1. You could properly get a pair of goldies for 50 -100 pound don't really know about bullies but know the hens can reach 150 pound each but it depends on the time of year really and who you know
  2. I think to breed 137 canaries in one year is just a amazing taz true dedication but I do think if you have too many it can get overwhelming and you can not spend enought time with all of them as you got too many respect to you for cutting down so you can spend more time with family and breed more mutation goldies hope you do well with all of them atb
  3. I know we still have another two three months left but just seeing how everyone's doing with there birds I've managed to breed my first ever British and ring them! with some help from fireman witch is much appreciated and really happy about it but have had my bad times with a clutch full of canary chicks on the floor dead and a round of greenies not hatching but she's building again so fingers crossed lol so I'm now turning a little bit a my attention to septembers rebuild which cannot wait to do as will give me room for my first pair of goodies and possibly a pair of bullies depending on how
  4. Stunning mate done a brilliant job with that
  5. I don't really know about that perle morbide but what Ive heard. Of it is that it's really top notch stuff but you can't beat the wild food thought so much goodness and fireman showed me how if you go out collecting it you can get tons of insects aswell on the food which the birds love
  6. Thanks mule yeah I know it's bit of problem trying to find an area that has no dog walkers and can't go far away as transport fireman has showed me a couple of places but have sort of took too much already and what too leave some so I can go back but I'm on it and will have a ganders tomorrow got a couple of places in mind
  7. Birds looking really good millet
  8. I've got a greenfinch hen that's laid three eggs in one nest but one broke and the other two are fine but she's also build anther nest and laid one egg in that but it had broke as well but she seems to not be sitting on the two eggs she's laid
  9. Lovely looking birds fireman and what a brilliant thing for millet to do if only there was more people in the world like you lot
  10. Good luck with all of your birds and will have to have a catch up soon bud
  11. Brilliant bud,birds looking really good
  12. I'm not worried as you say there's plenty of time and my greenie chicks are getting bigger by the day so well chuffed about thet and she probably did as she is a good mother and proper amazed with the greenfinch pair as doing so well going again and looking after the two chicks especially being their first time and never seen so much input from the cock bird even seen him carrying nesting material about and taking it up to the nest and seen my other canary jen carrying nesting material so she should being going down soon so not all bad and that's the thing with bird keeping your gunna get som
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