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Posts posted by billybear

  1. Anyone have any idea or does anyone know where i can get a copy of the dvd or film deeg deep and digging with the keeper i am sure

    thats what they was called i had them once and they seem to have gone missing so i would like to get hold of them again. i have tried E bay and no luck :wallbash: . i am sure someone would have them some where or any terrier digging films good money paid


    Cheers all :thumbs:

  2. this advice from folk that know REALY is usefull and giving me much on which to ponder.i have a collie currently and have trained her to near working dog levels,obviously she is NO use what so ever for hunting! ive seen her run past a conie to chase a rook thats 200 feet in the air! the only worry i have about an adult dog would be with the kids,you just dont know how itll be with them.my kids respect dogs and know about giving them plenty of personal space,are whippets known for being snappy?



    I have just read through this post and 15 months ago was in the same place as you and done the research into everything possible to run day and night. i just sat down and thought lets look for a good breeder (NOT A PUPPY FARM) get too know them as best i could ask them the questions i wanted answered and see what there dogs are like i found a chap from west wales who knew the breeding of my pup for the last 15 years so passion in his dogs was there and he had been around the block so he knew what he was talking about i when down to see him spent half a day with him and decided on a pup after about 2 months and i could not be happier with her she is catching most day rabbits that are possible to catch even ones you would put money on not catching and on the lamp i can safely say she will do me more than proud. but you will only get out of a lurcher what you out in and fitness and experience you will have to give them they all need lots of work and you will reep your rewards. i added a pic for good measures hope this helps


  3. I could do with some advice, i got a 14 month old lurcher my problem i think is not one i have seen on here i have had a look through past and present posts and nothing as yet.


    so here goes she is catching day and night like a dream cant be happier she retrieves to me no problem at all then the problem starts she wont let go its alive until she stands in front of me i put my hand on it and she either lets rip and crushes it or she will start shaking it she has not been bitten by anything i know of this issue has only just started the last few weeks. any info would be greatfully recieved


    thanks in advance

  4. plenty of droppies till the dogs mature enough and make sure he/she is striking like a cobra and the grounds soft enough for Mr i have an S for superhare on my chest and im gonna straight line you!!! try n keep double up to a minimum as no point in letting a young dog get used to other dogs waiting to kill the hare for em




    Thank you all for putting a good topic up and all answering with tidy answers i am starting a young dog she has basically been a pup for the last 11 months running with the terrier picking up the odd bolt in the day i have taken her lamping twice first time 2 weeks ago let her watch my mates dogs run she looked very very keen constantly watching me as if too say can i have a go she had 2 runs 1 easy one she cought with ease then she when back on the slip let her watch for a bit more she spotted one at the end of the beam that she wanted not a easy run by any means very torn weather i should slip her she seemed keen so let her run she cought that too. i was more than impressed to say the least.


    second time she was like a pro 5 runs all with big time gaps between so she didn get over worked cought 4 of them so looking forward too getting a few more now

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