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hedgehog paxo

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About hedgehog paxo

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    oystermouth rd swansea
  1. Listen here you in bred tramp - YOU watch YOUR f***ing mouth! All a bit of a laugh and a joke, but who the hell gives you the right to call ANYBODY anything of the sort???? Its not just offensive but its just plain disgusting to use "that" word or any of the rest im sure you have in that odd vocabulary of yours anywhere never mind on an open forum where anyone could stumble across and read it!! Are you bloody thick! we might be lot of things but wes not inbred tramps and we dont mess wid tha dogs like yous do either jus cos you waks ya dog of dont get calling cockeye inbred just cos he
  2. Atleast make it so we can read it ya f*****g rollercoaster!! yea cous make it sos i unerstand ya ,i gotta agree with this sweaty jock sock labspastic .me da wud murder him
  3. hey mochara is that da dog thats been humping you if thats you in da pic id hump ya as well but ya musta been wanking the cock of him to make him wanna start humping ya girl ,to be honest to ya all we aint been on cos we aint happy wid what that lab tastic said about fat ginger john when he said f**k the fat c**t that upset us a bit specially ol cockyeye hes had a proper disturbed bringing up that boy has seeing his ma s big baggy shitty knickers left on the landing and hearing our john the fat c**t climbing all over every night you lot wouldna want hear it so f**k of will ya or come to the br
  4. sorry i aint bin on cous lately .me and arthritis got on that cheap cider last saturday down the bridge and i shat myself cous and didnt .know and the shit burnt all the ring of my arse cous i had no flour in the house to get arthritis to put on for me to dry it up f*****g hell it was sore cous i couldnt walk man . so i just stayed in all week cous drinking white lightening .eating that packet of cream crackers i had left over from xmas and playing that johny cash song .burning ring of fire ,but im on now cous to watch ya back with these tossers mochara stop wanking ya dog of he wont try to hu
  5. id make a pot of broth outta ya book ,ffs lol ,as for what dogs id keep .well il tell ya HOTDOGS
  6. i be at the bridge llanfoist all day tomorrow ,bones if your going to pop in wid ya scrawny little 19inch whippet ,a scrawny little whippet hes got ,dont laff now its not his fault hes got a little scrawny whippet ,the poor little f****r as he is our john says he could swallow him one bite ,that little scrawny whippet .bring ya woman with ya as well .
  7. now listen to the brothers .ya bog eyed spud bashing mick . now less of the insults paddy less ya going to come the bridge llanfoist on saturday and back ya big hole up we are always in there just waiting for fat roidy boys like yaself loads of room on the river bank for big john and cross eye to muller you and ya mates then ya got me to get past as well ya dopey orange twat as ya are .were the paxos ya clown only good thing to come outta this ,youll defo get higher rate dla after our john squares ya ya clown and brung that whippet with ya il throw that bag of bones on the barby ,poxy whippets
  8. just come to the bridge mate ,one of us give you dingle .theres a jumble sale in the red cross hall thursday we be in there as well if we aint at the bridge you sound like a donk, ...........................but i will fight ya , what for, ££ or a trailer...................... fight me . with a name like whippet ,you couldnt put a fag out ,
  9. listen you no more of the ginger paxo watch your lip or come to the bridge inn see what your made off when we spike your drink with 3 grams of mkat cous they wouldnt mess around with you if they knew what your like when your turned ,i can tell just by the look in your eye cous , i never forget that cock eyed bloke you flattened in tescos that day ,he barged into you cous and said look where your going ,you said go where your looking .then you turned cous your eyes rolled ,crick crack ,you flattened him. makes my piss boil when i hear some one shout ,ya fat sweaty ginger b*****d .and i see th
  10. and for all your information its the bridge inn llanfoist thats why none of you turned up last night No one showed yesterday coz no one cares who knocked f**k out of who and by putting it on here it was just asking for the pish to be ripped!! I'll give it to ye's it has been comical, but that's about it, no ones bothered and I don't think anyone particularly believes it either!! Come to us if ye want to sort us oot ye lazy cock eyed Cnut!!! is you the sweaty sock i bet yous a big fat ginger like our johnny .us paxos will invade you jocks if you keep the cheek up mate ,and no
  11. just come to the bridge mate ,one of us give you dingle .theres a jumble sale in the red cross hall thursday we be in there as well if we aint at the bridge
  12. listen you no more of the ginger paxo watch your lip or come to the bridge inn see what your made off when we spike your drink with 3 grams of mkat cous they wouldnt mess around with you if they knew what your like when your turned ,i can tell just by the look in your eye cous , i never forget that cock eyed bloke you flattened in tescos that day ,he barged into you cous and said look where your going ,you said go where your looking .then you turned cous your eyes rolled ,crick crack ,you flattened him. makes my piss boil when i hear some one shout ,ya fat sweaty ginger b*****d .and i see th
  13. aye i been in once or twice before, never seen any of yous hicks in it tho, musta been a night the canary was on form, im guessing yous were all hiding at home drinking cheap cider oot bottles :laugh: dont laugh at my cous. cross eye mate ,if he swings one at you ,he l flatten the bloke next to you im ,warning you now mate .
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