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Posts posted by BlackDog1

  1. david harcombe books are also very useful but the best thing for you to do would be to get to know a local terrier man who knows what he's doing. If you manage to do that then he will show you the correct way to go about things. First hand experience will give you a better insight than any books. Atb BD1

  2. david harcombe books are also very useful but the best thing for you to do would be to get to know a local terrier man who knows what he's doing. If you manage to do that then he will show you the correct way to go about things. First hand experience will give you a better insight than any books. Atb BD1

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  3. Whent for a walk on a local bit of waste land behind a tip this morning, this place has a few lil earths and 2 rock piles. Anyway i let the bitch run free with the collar on, we checked the few earths with no luck. We then came to the rock piles which are next to each other and half decent sizes. Within seconds the bitch shot in to one of the many entrances, we decided not to net up because we only had 4 nets with us. Anyway, within 5 mins the bitch was baying away and 30 secs lateq out popped a fox and away over the bank. The bitch then moved and st arted baying again settled under a big concrete slab at 5 foot, i give her ten mins and away she whent and a huge fox bolted. The young bitch then stayed in for a further ten mins and came out of the hole where the fox had bolted. She never had a mark on her just a bit dirty and wet. So a good result for the little bitch. I'm now off on my 2 till 10 shift with a big smile on my face.

    Atb blackdog1

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  4. Whent for a walk on a local bit of waste land behind a tip this morning, this place has a few lil earths and 2 rock piles. Anyway i let the bitch run free with the collar on, we checked the few earths with no luck. We then came to the rock piles which are next to each other and half decent sizes. Within seconds the bitch shot in to one of the many entrances, we decided not to net up because we only had 4 nets with us. Anyway, within 5 mins the bitch was baying away and 30 secs lateq out popped a fox and away over the bank. The bitch then moved and st arted baying again settled under a big concrete slab at 5 foot, i give her ten mins and away she whent and a huge fox bolted. The young bitch then stayed in for a further ten mins and came out of the hole where the fox had bolted. She never had a mark on her just a bit dirty and wet. So a good result for the little bitch. I'm now off on my 2 till 10 shift with a big smile on my face.

    Atb blackdog1

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