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Posts posted by tilimangro

  1. “The cult of flatpack”

    their new putange work but they aren’t the same 

    different material not as strong

    Of the ten I bought three wouldn’t close properly after using making them not fit for purpose imho

    to each their own

    i know lots of guys who’ve sent their barrels back too

    the quality isnt the Same as it was

    abd at £6 a barrel ,with traps getting stolen at the rate they do I’m not Spending that 

    1 hour ago, Nicepix said:

    If that is the case, and I don't doubt you, it brings into question who have been doing the trials the company talk aboutality isn’t what it used to be and with traps getting stolen I’m not spending£6 a trap


    • Thanks 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Nicepix said:

    Nothing new there mate. Police management is a constant cycle of returning to a position where they moved from a few years before. A continual merry-go-round and they will be using reasons to make the move that were dismissed as nonsense when they first mooted centralising everything. The police are constantly advancing - to the positions they advance from a few years before. £ millions are wasted every year changing buildings and rooms only to be put back again  a couple of years later.

    Just before I retired we had a Ch. Inspector and a Superintendent both pushing for promotion. The Ch. Insp came up with a plan to move all the beat officers out to the local stations that they had been centralised from three or four years before. He didn't put any provisions in place for these stations to be put back into use, it was just a project that he could brag about as being a success in his next promotion board. Meanwhile the Superintendent came up with a policy where we all had to give witnesses and complainants  a direct line phone number to an office where we could be contacted instead of them going through the Force Switchboard. That number was the briefing room at the police station that we had all been moved out of ?

    And yes, they both got promoted.

    I have heard exactly this time and time again from police and ex police

    its mental how it just seems to carry on unquestioned 

  3. 1 minute ago, big sid said:

    get real, a keeper we do dens for was stopped in his truck and sent home because  his work is not essential, so stay home and save someones life.

    I’m a full time pest controller 

    I’ve been told anything to do with food production and livestock means provided I observe the rules I can carry on

    a keeper is non essential as it’s neither livestock or food production

    thanks for your enlightening input

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, JDHUNTING said:

    Fck you too. What's wrong with earning a few quid? Tommy is not the kind of bloke I'd knock about with but at least he's speaking out and doing summat so what if he makes money from it what you want him to do live on the dole? Haven't you upped sticks and f****d off to another country? No wonder you don't like people pointing out the problems with foreign invaders.

    Nothing wrong in earning a few quid

    but if you are earning money off the back of people’s suffering purely to earn money then you are a c**t

    and I think that’s the case here

    i might be wrong but I’ve watched him constantly earn money out Hatred 

    he’s reinvented himself several times 
    like i say I agree with a lot of what he says 

    that doesn’t mean I agree with his motives



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  5. Lad I trained Jiu jitsu with

    one of the nicest lads in the world

    good looking incredibly talented artist

    took jiu jitsu belt and hung himself of the bannisters 

    never got my head around that one

    still haunts me to this day

    if you understood why people did it you’d be doing it yourself


  6. Iran have been provoking for years

    benghazi was this generals orders

    the embassy storming was his orders

    Syrian attrocities his orders

    he can no longer give such  retarded orders

    iran would do well to shut up and go back to what they do best

    oppression of it’s citizens

    • Like 4
  7. On 30/12/2019 at 22:54, Accip74 said:


    Got it today on old school dvd & just watched it with the Mrs. It must of been good because she didn’t fall asleep! ?Seriously that’s my kind of film. Full of unknowns & believable performances........I’m so bored with predictable A lister films, give me this any day of the week..........& not 3 hours long!

    Cracking film

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