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Posts posted by stripes

  1. Let her see the rat in the cage first and you will know by her reaction to the rat,, she might try to bite the cage,, take rat and pat to an area that will give the dog room to dispatch the rat,, worst thing is obstacles falling over and spooking the dog,,, open field is best. Cant see a rag on a fox doing any harm,, BUT again be very careful with that wheaten and pat together ,, the wheaten attacking the pup at this stage can be a disaster..hope this helps.

  2. Every man works different shroughan , go with your idea let the wheaten guard,, just dont be too hasty to put the pat in to early, let the two dogs hunt on top of the ground together,, be careful how do the dogs get on with each other,, wheatens can be quick tempered. Also when two terriers are smelling around holes things can get nasty. Try the pat on rats first get his blood pumping.

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  3. Shroughan, first of all the pat isnt near ready for earth work take it for field walks and let it use its nose on any kind of scent,, dont get into that habit of taking a terrier straight to an earth and only letting it off a lead . Terriers should rely on using their nose to find on top of ground ..As far as the wheaten goes do you know any earths or have any mates you could go hunting with,, i dont work terriers together especially underground you will destroy the terrier infront as he cant back up with other terrier on his tail.

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  4. Depends on your funds irishnut ,, as above,, you would be better using a bigger stone in your trench maybe 4inch it will soak away better, quarry dust becomes very compact after a while bad drainage for you. Are your slabs on sand,, remove grout , urine soak into sand below maybe.

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