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Posts posted by PLEDGEY

  1. 1 minute ago, EDDIE B said:

    Often was tempted to give it a try. 

    You would think it would rub off, but it doesn't. I


    2 minutes ago, EDDIE B said:

    Often was tempted to give it a try. 

    I tried spraying Cuprinol once (was gonna' do a Hilux) but it's a bit thick . Any way, the bit of the truck I tried it on came out really smooth and stayed nice and green until I resprayed it white.

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  2. On 21/11/2019 at 21:19, wilbs said:

    Cheers for the reply pledge. Is this a wind up lol. Or have you got some serious trapping knowledge.  Lol. ?

    No, this is straight up.  A friend who was a pest controller, 'bout 7 years ago, asked me if I would dispatch any rabbits that were caught in live trap cages that he had set up in a meadow behind a garden near Bridgwater. The house over looked country side and had loads of rabbits coming into his meadow and garden. I went past the place every day on me way home, I live on the Quantocks. Everyday I would stop and there would be rabbits in the traps. I would walk up to the traps with my .22 CO2 pistol and point it down at the cage. Wait for the rabbit to settle down then shoot it in the head. I would reset any traps with carrots prepared as described. I said I was surprised by how many rabbits were being caught and he put it down to the carrots not drying out so fast and staying nice and sweet. Could be bollocks but that was what I was told to do and it seemed to work.

  3. I had a cross bow, just a small one, that was fun in the field. I then bought a compound cross bow and the thing is useless. Reason is it's so powerful it's not fun. Spend most of the time either looking for the bolts or trying to pull the bolts out of what ever they've embedded themselves in. The smaller one is more satisfying.

  4. Use  cheap economy carrots, these are grown with a high N.P.K. fertiliser. This gives the carrots a high sugar content and they have 27% more water in them than expensive organic carrots. Cut the carrots into batons, long ways, and not discs. Batons will stay fresher for longer. Change the carrots every day.

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  5. I use a victor electric trap in my garage. It'll only kill one at time but I was getting one a day for ages. Now I just put it out when I see signs of activity. You can only use them inside or under cover. The other problem I found with it was when it gets cold you get condensation build up and I think that was causing it to short out and run the batteries down. I bought mine years ago and it cost £50ish quid. Get looky likeys for under £20 now on Ebay



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  6. Yesterday A.B.C. News showed footage of Kurds being slaughtered, turns out to be footage of a shooting show in Kentucky from 2017. Can't believe a thing you see these days


  7. I've got a theory that all this confused gender stuff is a combination of1, breathing in loads of un natural products and 2, eating Soy. 

    Washing powder, air freshener, scented candles etc contains chemicals that are endocrine disruptors. They are known as 'Gender Bender' chemicals https://www.mollyssuds.com/2017/07/03/chemical-cocktail-laundry-detergent-skin/

    Combine this daily bombardment of chemicals with a high intake of soy, which contains oestrogen mimicking chemicals, and BINGO!, every one wants to be a different sex.


    • Haha 1
  8. A friend of mine went to a party where they had made tea from this stuff. He got handed the cup, he handed back the cup and the bloke said ''Shit man, you only 'spose to sip it!!.....he had drank the whole thing. He was off his tits for 3 days. Tried feeding the Hells Angels chips , said they were under the floor which he thought was glass. Pissed in the wardrobe and was wearing a tea towel round his shoulders as he thought it was his leather jacket. This was over 25 years ago and we still take the piss out of him about it.

    • Haha 2
  9. I got one of these in my MK 7 Transit. Fits just right in the corner behind the rear wheel arch.  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mobile-Camping-Toilet-Portable-Travel-Chemical-WC-Outdoor-10L-Flushing-Potty-Loo/292772866001?hash=item442a9f67d1:g:LpwAAOSw1w5bxMMu

    Have a look at this stuff for insulation. It's light, only 35mm thick, but has the same insulation properties as 210mm of rock wool.   https://www.selcobw.com/triso-super-10-multifoil-insulation-10m

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