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About jonnim

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  • Birthday 22/03/1965

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  1. Andy, no offence intended (genuinely) but the moderators (Stabs in this case) do the moderating voluntarily, the way it was going it would have been taking more and more time up, and as the lucky git is in Australia then I'm sure he has got plenty of better things to do! Just my opinion. Those that said it was an excellent section in the past were spot on, it was, and big thanks to Stabs for looking after it while it lasted. JonniM, what on earth are you going to look at when you're up at 4am now? Or shouldn't I ask?! always summit to look at hahahahaha
  2. fair play and thanks for the reply and also hosting the board,as oxo said "prob for the best"
  3. hey no prob with the shows mate...enjoy ya day i have 2 staffords here,1 i feed raw/washed (tripe from landywoods.co.uk but you can get natures /suffolk menu frozen from pets at home,both good but landywoods is cheaper ) mixed with veggies,kibble ( just biscuit not a dry complete )a cod liver oil pill and a vit suppliment called vionate ( a vitamin/mineral supplement which you can pick up at pets at home etc etc ) he is given all the above every day except the vit supp,he gets a tea spoon a week of that,the bitch has burns complete,the diff in the 2 coats is quite clear to see,his is realy
  4. may i enquire why half complete food and half meat ?
  5. nice dogs pictured above...cheers for taking the time to post
  6. hi guys,just joined,looking forward to reading and participating on the board
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