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Posts posted by Stanleigh

  1. I run a half x and a 3/4x , more than happy .

    is your half x heavy mate or racy? what they like on long runs and which would you say was the best .

    The 1/2x is sort of in between mate , the 3/4 x is faster but they,ve both got decent noses and both will run as far and as long as you need . :thumbs:

  2. We both know that isn't true scothunter, no need to make up lies to disparage the finest manager to grace these shores.


    Just out of interest.....what order would you Scots put the top 5 or so managers in order of greatness,out of i suppose.....







    Cant think who else would fit into a top 5 but by all means add your own :thumbs:



    and not forgetting probably the greatest of them all































  3. :thumbs: I,m 55 ,been at it since childhood ,I don,t want to get all Darcy about it , but that feeling when a hare risea or you get the first rabbit of the night is still as strong and as hard to explain as ever . The nervous excitment that takes over when your calling a fox in has never waned , the pride I feel for a dog that does it,s job well still wells up in my throat ,familiarity has had no impact on me at all , still get excited , still have a sleepless night before going anywhere promising and long may it continue. :thumbs:
  4. The most worrying thing for me , ( if he wants any sort of longevity in the game ) is there is no improvment , he,s in big trouble if he sticks with friends and familey to guide him , his corner didn,t have a clue . Unless he gets himself a decent trainer this is as far as he ll get.

  5. I,v had whippets and whippetxs for the last 15 years , I will never own any other type of running dog , they suit me and what I do perfectly, toughness and bravery have never been in question . ATB

  6. I like any member who hits the "reply" button instead of using "add reply" and enters the whole thread in their post I especialy like it when they don't even add anything except a smiley it's even better when there are pictures and they add all the pictures and then write "nice pics mate" they are by far my favourite characters


    yeh i fecking hate that :laugh:



  7. For me regrets are wishing you,d done things differently , and if you didn,t wish you,d done things different than you haven,t learnt anything , so regrets are a positive thing , they mean your a better , wiser person , I hope that makes sense :thumbs:

  8. My PC is slower than one of Markbricks dogs , can someone tell me how to speed it up ? please no jargon or reconfuckingfigaration talk , just tell me what button to press . thank you :thumbs:

  9. hi all,

    thankyou to everyone who pmed me its all sorted now and i will post a topic when we get together and have a good nights lamping,

    this is what the sites about not bickering and argueing 2 like minded people coming together to share in the sport we love,

    Windy, serious question , Do you think YOUR the reason your old mans got a drink problem ? :icon_eek:

  10. Just like I'm not a "true" football fan BECAUSE I don't have a season ticket like you?


    Not getting involved in all this carry on,just wanted to make a point.....it doesnt take a season ticket holder or even somebody to go to games to be a serious fan of their club,ive never bought into that theory myself even though i see my team regularly......i know a fella whos probably the most knowledgable and serious football fan ive ever seen but has never been to a game,not due to money either he just cant be in crowds......thats the beauty of sport,ANYBODY can be a dedicated knowledgable fan regardless of finances.

    Cant be in crowds , shame he,s not a Millwall fan , he could watch them ever week.

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