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About Rsevern

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. wer u frm pal? av u still got bthe dog ?
  2. Can [NO TEXT TALK] tell me how I get a pic on my profileplz?
  3. Send it my fne pal I pmd u my num
  4. I wud av her pal I got a collie x only 4 month so crnt get out this season n cud bring that on this year n then that cud help my pup nxt year. Is it ok wi other dogs? N in kennels? Am in notts so cud fetch it? But dunt get paid till 24?? If u dunt sell [bANNED TEXT] then pm me n I'll cum dwn. Crnt find money [bANNED TEXT] then? Let me no [bANNED TEXT] u think?
  5. Cheers lad I'll c [bANNED TEXT] I can get my hands on sum good sirgestion! Made my choice harder nw ha
  6. Though about springer but folk are wntin to much for um theta days n lst to litter iv been looked at they wer all a big to bulky n bug 4 my likin?
  7. I'm afta a good bush dog duno wheather to get a terrier or lurcher or sumthing lik a beddy whipet?? [bANNED TEXT] u thinks best choice I av a collie x wnt sumthing to knock buns out 4 him??
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