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born ferreter

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About born ferreter

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  1. i was looking at this gun for a while and saw some reviews to say it was a cracking little rifle and at good price aswel, how much did you pay for the entire package if you dnt mind me asking? lewis
  2. so should any suit i get i should get it a size to big for extra clothing underneith and bagginess in the summer? do ghillie suit work all year around? lewis
  3. thanks for the replies, im guessing il have about £50 to spend because of the other items im getting i could do with one that has both top and bottem as i only wear the army trousers i have at the moment. zini: i have the jack pike oak camo feild smock which i think il start wearing abit more often now the cover has changed gunny sonics: dont the ghillies suits only work in the summer? i was looking at them but never really got round to buying one in the summer might get one for my birthday in april lewis
  4. chest shot with a .22 within a good range will drop them i have taken a few ferals around a farm yard with a chest shot coming from a .177 but all within 30m id say, but then again thats about the maxium of what you can shoot around buildings. hope this helps lewis
  5. i do also have a german flecktarn jacket that a cousin gave me, i havnt really worn it much but i was shooting pigeons with the shotgun last saturday and the game cover was still long where we were i think il give the german stuff a go this weekend
  6. haha gary that would slove alot of camo problems i wish i could but i also have to be up for college at 6:30 every weekday so it isnt really at option at the moment i do abit of night time rattings on a weekend now and again lewis
  7. atm i wear british army 95 i think it works well at the atm because i have a large hood on it which is great to cover your face when looking through the scope and i also have put some elastic strips sown on the arms so i can stick long grass through them which works well when lying i just want some proper hunting camouflage that will be able to put up with the elements lewis
  8. hi all, as we all know its coming up to christmas and the parents are asking what im wanting for christmas iv had a good think but im at that age now where i dont dont quite know but am getting quite into all the shooting so my question to you folks is what camouflage do you wear? what works the best? and a few pictures to show of your outfit is possible to show it in the feild or it just n show would be great. thanks lewis
  9. i was wearing the british army jacket with a balacava on and gloves so it couldnt see any of me but it came about 15yards away until it realised something was wrong a spotted me i was lying still looking through the scope until i had my crosshairs on its forehead
  10. i went out with intent to shoot a few bunnies on some permission we have for ferreting on a water reservoir. we arrived at the landowners had abit of crack with him and he was fine with us going on so off we went, walking over to the wall where we would leave our gun slips and get ready we climbed over and saw some deer footprints in the thick mud, as we walked to the top of the bank there was a few small trees and i had spotted what thought at the time was a rabbit but then turned out to be 2 big buck hares and a small female each going there different ways once spooked. we carried on to see
  11. the scpe iv got is good, easy to adjust, crystal clear and solid on the mounting rack. i have read about changing the zoom will change the zero point and i do keep it on x6 its just right for the distance i try to shoot at and the hawke endurence that i have on at the moment is recommended for feild use so it is a good scope not just any cheap one of the shelf
  12. i had put a post up before on weather a silencer would be werth while and people had just said it would be the spring making the noise not the pellet so i wasnt bothered really as the say 'you dont hear the shot that kills you' haha as for the scope im on a limted budget as you see im still a kid really money not exactly on my side il try soome new pellets and see if that helps. thanks lewis
  13. what are the new scorpions like, you dont hear about many people having them?
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