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Status Updates posted by macavelli

  1. cannot wait to fly me spar tomoz hope the weather keeps fine

    1. stroller


      just been out with the dogs and watched a wild pair after a finch. a couple of crows saved its life by mobbing the hawks. some aerial acrobatics though better than the red arrows.

    2. paulus


      unusal to be hunting in pairs?

    3. macavelli


      i have never seen them hunting in pairs but no people who have also witnessed this would be great to see

  2. me spar caught her 6th magpie today il be finding more differcult quarry to be slipping her on tomorrow

    1. old timer123

      old timer123

      excellent mate sounds like youve done well with her they are the hardest of birds to train you have done well matey all the best pal

    2. macavelli


      thanks mate shes a cracker of a bird but a bit tempermental sum times

  3. not much hawking the past couple of days the weathers shit

  4. not much hawking the past couple of days the weathers shit

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