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Status Updates posted by Borat

  1. If your on facebook look me up, I'm about to be banned.. Ricky Ryan O'niel

  2. Your too Interlectual for the thick like's of little old me.. :(

  3. Well I'm thick then, as I do sarcasm...

  4. I love a Micky take, and I'm free for Birthdays and BBQ's..

  5. I like the Sarcasm.. ;)

  6. Howdy, do you keep oriental gamefowl too matey ?

  7. It's a Bullshit world, I see through you..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Borat


      Aww Your so special x

    3. Ideation


      So your mum keeps telling me. . . .

    4. Borat


      Aww bless you child..

  8. Vedo che hai usato un traduttore? E 'il Lazio dielect ,ho scritto Napoletani dielact ..

    E io sono un gentiluomo, grazie

  9. I've grown stubble/beard in that pic thank you! Dont worry, as the official labled THL's Gay Boy I wont chat you up..

  10. See, I'm not that rude :) And I've even put a more manly pic up, unlike my resident THL's Gay Boy look photo.. ;)

  11. Your hair looks nice in that piccie.. ;)

  12. Hows your mate Gray = Walter Mitty ?

  13. I want to be Poked on Facebook..

  14. I smell Pig Shite..

  15. I dont go out in the Hunting field, I just sit at my computer screen and dream.. My name is Walter Mitty...

  16. Why are you looking at my profile you nosey barstards..

  17. I'm bored.. Please entertain me..

    1. artic


      Borat, Palermo...... lol

    2. Borat


      I only follow them when I've been to Messina lol

  18. Jeg ved Randers og Aarlborg !

  19. to år forholdet;) Jeg har været i Randers

  20. I'm with Dunkanon.. Needed another look...

  21. Hi, you sent me a message on my old profile - fieldfare, I lost my password when i changed my PC and it wont let me log on to read your message.

  22. Nej, min ex kæreste er dansk, hun lærte mig dansk.

  23. Aww bless, you called me Sweet cheeks. I'm blushing now..

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