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About Yashca

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. I'm really sorry, I thought I'd pm'd you with my address. I'll send it now.
  2. The skull is the thing I am most interested in, but I'd have a go at doing something with the pelt. I do have various chemicals at my disposal. Thanks for getting back to me.
  3. That's really strange. I went out for a walk earlier and saw exactly the same birds, black with white undersides. One of them was making a noise that sounded almost like sqeaky growling.
  4. That would be fantastic. Someone on the deer board said that mole skulls were really interesting. Where did you get a complete mole? Is the entire skeleton likely to be complete? Or if it has been trapped is their likely to be broken bones? Doesn't really matter if their is, the skull is the interesting thing really. Thank you for the offer.
  5. Hi everyone. I have recently been posting on the deer management board asking about what happens to deer heads when people go hunting. The reason for this is that I am a Primary School teacher in North Yorkshire and my class is doing a topic about British Wildlife. I own one roe deer skull and one fox skull that I cleaned up myself that I brought in to show the kids - and they loved them! At the moment all of the children are choosing a certain animal to do a project on - basically a little booklet about their animal. A lot of the children wanted to do about the different species of deer,
  6. Just looked up a picture of a mole skull - looks fascinating! Probably a bit more delicate than the skulls I've been working with, but I'd love to try and clean one up. Let me know if you have any spare. James
  7. Went for a walk today and found another dead deer by the side of the road - unfortunately another Roe Buck. I think it was pretty young, as his antlers were still in velvet. I was hoping for another species, or even a female roe, but no luck. To Ug and Barry - I think I've messaged you my address - if you haven't got my message let me know. Any other problems let me know as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  8. Clean bone is good - but I have no problem with cleaning up heads myself. I did it with my Roe buck and my fox. Only problem is that I don't have a garden to work in since I moved house - don't think anyone would be best pleased with me working in the kitchen. I've given my dad a ring though - says it's fine for me to use his garden for cleaning up skeletons. Hope he doesn't regret it.
  9. In that case the phrase 'Roe Deer Stag' will never pass my lips again. Do you just call them Roe Bucks then? and Roe Does? Which deer do have stags then? If I'm teaching about it I want to make sure I get the terminology as right as I can. I am in Scarborough at present, on the edge of North Yorkshire. That's a pretty impressive list of species you stalk - all of them sound fantastic.
  10. The idea of a travelling group is a great one. My school often gets art groups or theatre groups or sometimes a group who brings in various bugs and insects from around the world - however I don't know of any such group around my area. Stoat, weasel and fox skulls or pelts would be fantastic. It is items like that that can get children to reconnect with nature. I know that can sound a bit naive, but I have had kids in my class before who didn't know what a stoat was, or what a fox looked like. Thank you for getting back to me. Let me know how it goes.
  11. Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum, and I joined really because I wondered if anyone here could help me. I'm a primary school teacher in North Yorkshire and I have been doing a topic with my class about British wildlife. Anyway since starting the topic I have been keeping an eye out for roadkill and have so far found a Roe deer stag and a fox. I took the heads off both and cleaned them up and brought them to show the kids - and they loved seeing them, writing about them and touching them. A great stimulus for work. Now here is the cheeky part - I wondered if anyone here hunts so often
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