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About RobG

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  1. I agree 100%, for me a true hunter respects his quarry.... this is the best fox ive had boyos !
  2. it was agressive but its not as much now going slowly he needs some penicilin to get rid so it wont come back.
  3. hi there basically ive become the new owner of a 10 month old sal grey bull grey lovely dog but hes got a skin condition like a bacterial infection of some sort so ive put something called cameosa on it. before i take him to the vets i also understand he hasnt bein jabbed for parvo and to top it off he has flat feet. but hes a nice stamp and i dont like to see a dog go to waste so i took him on regardless of the money its going to cost me. so any advice is appreciated cheers fellas.
  4. like that black dog mate nice stamp does he go to ground and hows he bred? happy new year
  5. Newtown rugby and golf club my lurchers out of action ATM but by all means go there tell if you will so I can text the bloke it's all legit and bursting with bunnies
  6. jesus happy days the last dig to my russel was 7ft and a 5ft before that were are all the shallow earths gone ! haha
  7. i know of a big bull cross called blue its one spuds dogs absolute beast thats from llanfair caerinion
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