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Posts posted by saxonmaster

  1. i would also say that on the wholethings are going well, if the jesses are bothering you i would get some help changing them ( a tight fit is good in my eyes lol) when they are out grease them up and back in( i use ko chao line), they shouldfit better then.


    my mate had his free again lastnight, tried her on the rabbit carcass ( she hit it like a tram with a good head hold both times) let herfeed up and he managed a good exchange.




    nice one cheers mate, glad your mates hawk is going well mate good news with rabbit carcass to :thumbs:

  2. Really productive day today took Thor down to see my mate and see if we can do some work with him with touching the jesses and stuff. Got straight to work on changing the jesses and Rob noticed when i was putting my hard towards the jesses i had the back of my hand facing Thor so he said try turning your hand over so he can see its empty and it worked straight away got the jesses out changed them over for the new ones and put in the right way and i put on some field jesses to :thumbs: then we worked on touching his chest again showed him the under side of my hand first and no problem just a couple of pecks but nothing major. Then we bowed him up while Rob showed me how he hoods his hawks and falcons but we didnt try Thor as we didnt want to push it and i wanted to put him on the creance as his weight was down at its lowest so far at 1lb 5 1/8oz. So we made are way to a field and put Thor on the creance and he responded almost instantly but as he done more he was responding faster each time so we done 5 and then on his last one gave him a good feed. As Thor was eating i was touching his feet and helping him break up the food and helping him feed which went great. Rob says there is no problem with him being footy at all and says he is a very steady bird :thumbs: we finished the day by flying his laner and his Bengal and European eagle owls so all in all a great day.

  3. cheers mate :thumbs: im very happy with the way things are going and rob (mentor) says the same as you it all sounds fine. I cant expect it to go totally smooth and this jesses thing is just a test for me and Thor and in the end it will make us understand each other a lot better by the end but im sure other tests will come up. Nothing seems to faze Thor other than this jesses thing, Dogs, kids, strangers, different locations, ferrets hes a great bird mate but i never push him to hard. As ive said before if it take an extra week or 2 to get him free then so be it all this stuff you read about getting a bird free within 2 weeks just rushes people i think. hopefully we will have many years flying so whats a week or 2 :thumbs: Top man tony

  4. alright mate, ive got a rabbit leg ready for tomorrow to take with me mate i still use tirings but as he has been so steady i havent felt they are needed all the time but i understand what you and grovsey are saying. as with the hood my mate rob will take a look and see what he thinks as he hasnt seen the bird yet but its just something we discussed over the phone as an option if the tiring doesnt help but hopefully it should as i havent feed him but i wont try to force him either way as i dont wont to knock thors confidence and mess up all the hard work we have done. He lets me touch the jess but they are so tight in the eyelet and its when i try to pull it through he doesnt like it and your right it needs to be addressed hopefully the new ones will help as they wont be so tight. i never end on a bad note mate i always try to finish on a high and never put him down because he is bating i just move to a new area and put myself in between what ever he dislikes as i move away or if we are doing jumps and he decides he doesnt want to do anymore if ive put him down to do another one ill finish on a step up or small jump. My mate isnt going to touch him tomorrow just over see things and wants to see the bird and advise me where needed as it will just been nice to have someone on hand i dont want to be footed and be on my own with one hand in the glove and the other in the birds talon as i will be f*cked hahahaha cheers for the help mate :thumbs:

  5. good on ur mate ,might be hard now making him to the hood as its best done on the early manning stages ,if you are going to get a hood make sure you buy a good quality hood and not one of these crap things of ebay for £10 as a bad fitting hood will make thing 10x worse u get what u pay for in a hood mate,for a harris id go for a wuality anglo as the shape fits a harris better than a dutch i feel


    not sure what it is mate the mentor says he has one i can have if it fits if not ill go and get a good one. What price would you pay for a good one mate?

  6. when he is on the glove and no food there ,keep the jessies tight so he cant foot u and stroke his feet so he knows its not a bad thing and you know he cant foot u ,if ur a bit worried he might us the feather .


    managed to get one of the jesses out this afternoon and put back in the right way and to say he hated it would be an under statement the problem wasnt getting to them but the jesses were so tight everytime i pulled them it pulled him to much and he went mentle so ive made some new ones for him today as the breeder made the old ones for me and im taking him over to my mentors place now he is back and try and put the new ones on him also try to get a hood on him which as you said earlier should make things easier if he takes to the hood. Been fairly hard without a mentor being around to watch over things but he has loads of experience he keeps an eagle owl, harris, redtail, barn owl and falcons so i feel alot more confident now he is back so im going to spend the morning with him to go over a few things and fingers crossed ill get a few things sorted tomorrow.

  7. glad you are getting on with things mate.

    my mhh hunted last season between 1lb 5 and 1lb 6, stopped rabbits very well.


    the thread makes good reading and i look here whenever i get the time.

    i'll be picking the bird up in the next couple of weeks too, really looking forward to it tbf.

    my mate had his female free from the creance yesterday ( first time, i'm sure his jeans were bulging a tad at the back lmao).




    Cheers mate i need to get mine down to at least 1.5 as he will fly to me about 6m at 1.5 7/8oz but he is not responding quickly so i gave him a good feed this morning after he done about 5 recalls as the weather is going to be rubbish again over the weekend and i wont try him again till he is 1.5 or less. i bet your really looking forward to picking your bird up again i expect you have been bored. I know i will be bricking it when i let Thor go for the first time and probably wont sleep much the night before to. Thanks again for your comments mate :thumbs:

  8. yes im touching his feet now, dont think i need to use tirings every time i man him. i want the bird to be with me because he is happy to be with me not everytime i pick him up hes getting food. if i was having problems with him i would use them more but as you can read from my other posts i have been using them when i first started to take him out but he seems very steady. also i dont want him thinking everytime he sees me he will get fed, will this not make him or could make him a sreamer if everytime he sees me he thinks food. If it takes an extra week or 2 before i get him flying free then so be it im in no rush.

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  9. The weather is rubbish here at the moment with wind and rain so havent done much in the way of training so just been doing lots of manning. Today i thought i would take Thor somewhere a bit different so we went for a walk around a local wood with my dog. Got Thor boxed up which he has started to jump onto the perch inside the box now as i think he now knows box means getting out for a walk he has also started to eat off the fist now whilst im walking with him as before he would only eat when im static. As we were walking through the woods we had to pass a lady and her dog on a very narrow path which he did bate due to the 2 dogs jumping around each other but went back straight away a settled himself down. We stopped off on a bridge which i let Thor sit on the fence and have a look around at the trees and listern to the new sound of the rain coming through the trees and then made off to the edge of the woods where there is open fields. As we were walking around the fields Bomber my lurcher decided he wanted to burn off some energy and run past us at full pelt a number of times which i thought Thor aint going to like this but he actully seemed to be impressed with the speed he was running past us at and didnt bate once i think he is totally used to my dog now which will be brilliant if i can fly Thor at the same time as i walk Bomber. We made our way back to the wood but the rain really picked up so we sat on a fence under a large oak tree with Thor sat next to me on a post tied to my D-ring on the glove with access to the full length of the leash but didnt try to move away once and went on one leg and with Bomber sat under us on the floor, we must of sat there for a good hour looking over the open fields. By far the best manning session so far but i must say now i have started getting my lurcher into condition for the coming season with one day sprint work, next day bike work and the 3rd day walking with the hawk there isnt enough hours in the day but enjoying every minute of it. i go to bed thinking about training, i dream about training and my first thoughts of the the day is training i think im hooked for life.

  10. great news mate and well done ,what was the birds top weight just on average a male harris goes around 1-7 unless ur talking peruvians ect .dont want you taking him to low just incase thats all


    cheers mate, stupidly i didint take his weight straight out of the Aviary which was on a friday night i left him till the sunday to settle but his weight was 1lb 7 1/2oz when i took the first weight on the sunday morning so we are working on at a rough guess he was about 1lb 8 1/2oz.

  11. been flying harrris now for 3 seasons mate and just fancy flying ferruginous or maybe red tail mate as they seem big powerfull birds and fancy new challenge mate just wanted info on these birds ie temprement and size or should i say weight diffrence in sexes and veiws of people who fly them


    hi mate the breeder where i just got my harris from breeds ferruginous to mate he would be more than happy to give you some info let me know if you would like to call him and ill pass you his number mate. lovely looking birds mate

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  12. Thanks for your comments lads :thumbs:


    thor is jumping about 6ft now but not responding straight away and his wieght is 1lb 5 3/4oz. We are doing all of his training out in the field now as my garden doesnt have the room and i feel he will be gaining more albeit it might slow things up a bit. The wind has really picked up at the moment here which is really making training difficult so we only done 4 jumps and then feed him up. For some manning i took him for a walk with my youngest son and the dog and a mate of mine and his dog he really doesnt mind dogs and he was even eating from a rabbit leg bone on the fist and sat nicely on a fence post even with the dogs playing about under and around him. Wont be doing any training till thursday now just a bit of manning as the mrs is working 12 hours and ill have the 3 kids. :censored: hahahaha

  13. good thread but ur jessies are still wrong way fella not having a dig just trying to help .if you worried do one at a time.things like this is where a bird made to the hood helps people no end


    yeah i know mate im hopefully getting a hood next week as i brought a vest this week. everytime i try to get to them he goes nuts and nearly footed me the other day so ive been putting a glove on my right hand and touching his feet and chest so hopefully get them done in the next couple of days. :thumbs:

  14. Thor is going from strengh to strengh at the moment he weighed 1lb 6 1/8oz today responding straight away to food and had him jumping the full length of his leash this morning and afternoon from a mobile perch i made from a light weight plastic saw horse and just cabled tied some astro to. After training i boxed him up and took him for a walk round some permission with the dog other than when the breeze picked up in his face he didnt bate once and we stopped off for a rest and done some jumps from a fence post and let him stand and watch the dog which really doesnt bother him at all.


    Sorry about photo quality







  15. just got Thor out of his mews and he bated off his perch so i waited for him to jump back on his perch and then he stepped onto the fist. Took him to the scales and he weighed 1lb 5 5/8oz. I put a chick on the fist and for the first time he responded stright away and took a bite so i put him stright back on the bow in the garden which he did bate away so i put him back on and showed him the chick which he stepped back onto the fist and again had a small bite. So i put him back again but had the fist slightly higher but everytime he went to take a bite i twisted my had away from him but kept it at the same distance and at first he just kept trying to reach but not stepping forward at first but i kept going and giving him a whistle which seem to help as i have been doing that in the mews when i pick him up. Anyway i got him to jump to the fist in the end after a step up about 7 times so i left it there for now to finish on a high and i didnt want him to have to much food straight away so i can do more throughout the day. Well happy with that result so far today as i didnt expect it so soon after only one day without food.


    2nd session of the day we carried on as this morning and started with the step ups and by the end Thor was jumping about 8ins to the fist. Went inside for some manning and watched the football. So much better on the fist now and almost a different bird.


    sorry about the photo quality





  16. Yesterday Thor weighted in at 1lb 6 1/4oz and seemed not so settled as previous days and was bateing a lot but i did get him to step onto the glove in the end. After weighing i took him through the house using a rabbit leg and then took him to the car and boxed him up which he went in with only a bit of a fuss and took him to a quite field with a fold up chair. We sat down for a while with the rabbit leg but he wasnt interested so we went for a walk through the field but with the stiff breeze and all the new surroundings he kept baiting and found it hard to stay on the fist. Once we made it back to the chair i offered him a chick and after a bit of persuation he had 2 chicks he did start on the 3rd but then decided he didnt want it. Once we got back to the house i bowed him up in the garden and gave him a shower with the hose.




    Today Thor weighed the same as yesterday but a lot calmer and we done a few step ups with a whistle before leaving the mews and sat in the garden with a rabbit leg. After about 30 mins i got the mrs to put an old sheet over the sofa and went in to watch tv with Thor. He seemed a little nervous but settled very quickly and is getting used to my right hand moving but still watches it, well like a hawk hahaha. The next thing i knew i woke up to Thor standing on one foot, a lap full of sh*t and him looking at me and im sure he was thinking you lazy bas*ard hahaha. He had a couple of goes at the rabbit leg but i dont think he could work out why it wasnt breaking apart like the chicks do. After about 3 or so hours i put him back in the mews and he went through the doors in the house no problem with his wings folded back and no fuss what so ever. should start seeing his weight come down now.

  17. Good stuff, can't wait until the next chapter :thumbs:


    cheers mate

    if hes feeding off the fist now start boxing him an take him to the field to feed now mate keep feeding him near the mews garden will create a screamer good luck with him my male hunts at 1 5 3/4


    cheers mate im going to start manning him out of the garden tomorrow mate start off in the house and out the front and if all goes well then ill be going further a field. How old is your male mate? i know a male harris from the same parents as mine is flying at 1lb 7oz she flies him all year for a pest control company.

    hes 2 mate this is my third season mate mine will still fly at 1 7 but wont entertain bunnys at that weight get him to 16 bit under he loves them if i was you mann him in the house but feed him in the field mate if you dont want a screamer i made the mistake first season mate lucky it was end of season when he started had to rebuild my mews just roof open left him through the moult and he was silent from then on good luck with him wait till you let him off the creance for the first time bestfeeling ever


    yeah i cant wait to get him free ill be proper s**tting myself when i first release him mate but thats all part of the buzz. I bet you were gutted when he started screaming mate but glad you got him sorted in the end

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