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About lewisbennett

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 23/06/1997

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    fishing ferreting and hunting
  1. you bin out any were lately mate what you been up to. have you had any look selling your pups

  2. R.I.P for all the dogs lost this season and before atb with future dogs hope they can be better for you then previoce dogs
  3. were about in liverpool do you live mate

  4. are wish i could have one i live in liverpool to not alowd a nother dog tho wish i could atb with the sale mate
  5. hi all, am just wondering if anyone knows what the best terrier is i no people say theres not an all round terrier but just wondering if anyone knows of an almost alround type of terrier
  6. lovely tipe of dog there mate will be gon in no time atb with the sale
  7. thanks for all your tips ill keep all updated on were i go and the results i get if any of use go out plz keep me updated thanks 'lewis
  8. thanks mate my fishing trip has been cancled but going the week after am gutterd really wanted to get out this week
  9. hi all i am going carp fishing next week to north wales just past anglesy the place i am going to fish is called mudd if any one nows the place never fished there before if any one has can i have some tips on what gear,bait and all little accsesories that i should use going for two days and hope i get some good tips to get me some lovely fish thanks
  10. thats a devastating site to see all them fish dead what a shape
  11. yep defo a perch always have a great day fishing for these brilliant predators
  12. i have watched this movie they find the greyhound in the sooweres very good movie
  13. how do you order the a bait of this website mate av seen the flavour i want
  14. thanks for everythink mate really apprisheat it
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