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Status Updates posted by Coyotehunter

  1. I just found out the chemical name for Viagra , it's real name is Mycocsafloppin

  2. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

    1. cu beag

      cu beag

      Calvin was clear that no works or activity could the survive the scrutiny of the Almighty except in forgiveness,but he did believe that they could be a confirmation of faith. hence the Protestant work ethic.

    2. Tam O'Void

      Tam O'Void

      Thought all my posts Were DELETED....I was that man...

      Most early ,Christian Services were Held Out in the OPEN..the Almighty was NATURE ...and it's creation

  3. A man walks into a welsh pub and orders a white wine spritzer. The bar goes silent as everyone stares at him..."Where are you from? You sound English", "I'm from across the severn," replies the man nervously. "What do you do, just across the Severn?", "I'm a taxidermist." "What on earth is one of those?", "I mount animals." "Its alright boys," shouts the barman he's one of us.

    1. Ideation


      Fecking priceless matey! And i'm welsh!

    2. barney007


      brilliant mate!but dont knock it til youve tried it ha ha

  4. ok -25 this morning , that tooo f$@cking cold

  5. nearly 6 oclock... ready for hunting :)

  6. listening and watching the wild turkey's in the field , MMMMMMMmmmmm dinner

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