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martin cbr

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About martin cbr

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  1. wouldnt give u last weeks echo for that gun mart, wouldnt even kill a squirrel in my garden

  2. my dog escaped from my garden on the 24th feb ,he,s a half cross greyhound bull .black and white 26tts . kids tuck him to the police station ,they told the kids they dont take dogs no more and f them off .want happens then is they have no were to take the dog a it breaks free and thats that .what sort of service is this police force doing ,were talking about a kid of age of 11 ,doing the right thing and being told ,not are problem .am going to local papers with this because am miffed at this . by the way theres a reward if dog returned to me thanks
  3. hi mate ive a day state mark 3 like new with scope and hard case bottle even pletts .for sale if you know anyone interested ,07878836819 thanks
  4. hi mate ,nice dog ,am after one of these breeds ,pref working now ;bitch or dog .do you know anyone selling .thanks right money for right dog
  5. hi mate am after one of these x breeds mate doing the bizz now if you know anyone selling one ,will to travel for right dog .thankyou
  6. hi mate do you know anyone selling one of these dogs .am ater a good alrounder .07878836819
  7. mate hes grown loads now big strong looking fella in he as anyone got one of these fr sale ,am after good alrounder
  8. gun datestatemk3 for sale £1000, bought for £2000 everything with this also chargeable electric trigger. 07878836819

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