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Jamie m

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Posts posted by Jamie m

  1. nice to see the little un there , :clapper: some of them rats look real dark,

    yeh and big lol, went bk on that farm jst before christmas had a gd 50 rats again and we dug about 30 pinkies out, never seen young like that about this time of year thought it would be too cold for them to breed

    compost heaps and manure piles would provide plenty of warmth to breed

  2. plummers dont do foxes,we dont believe you. :big_boss: only kidding mate nice one :thumbs:

    i really dont beleive it sorry if iam rong but theres not 1 mark on the dogs


    Had 1 with the tykes myself recently mate & not a mark on mine either, so what?? Why would the guy post if it weren't true & why is there always some dickhead that spoils the thread with dickshit replies??

    right on could of been week or lame they just cant stop slating plummers, on my plummers pedigree theres working certificates for his lines pre ban way back why would a hunt use them if they were no good

  3. Problem with them courses is that there is not enough jobs about. In the time it takes to do the courses to a high level you could have volenteered with a keeper probably learnt more and if you impress you'd be the first inline if any jobs came up.


    Its the same in fisherys there are thousands of students to every job so the college courses become so de valued.

    so true you would prob have to move but theres allways conservation of wild birds deer the keeper is becoming a rare creature i went into woodland management instead

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