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Posts posted by cumbrian-whippet

  1. i wouldnt mind one bit abit pricey for me tho, wonder what the tehcnologies going to be like next season,i heard talk about LED lamps being developed they would change the lamping game as they hardly use much power


    I have heard that too, the ones that are being developed are very small but very powerfull aparently. I would imagion when both technologies are available they will be used to create a single unit (battery contained in lamp itself) gone are the days of car batteries and headlights thats for sure!


    I have just had a thought about this. I wonder how hard it would be to convert a standard lamp to LED? any electricians on the forum?

  2. Get a copy of purdys progress, i think you can do much worse than following the advice on there. It shows the dog from about 8 weeks untill it gets its first catch

    thanks where do i get that from mate?


    Do a google search mate, i got a copy off a mate years ago but its just about dead now

  3. Is it wet in the pictures? if not its definately a skin issue, get to the vets asap!


    Looking again he has a big bald patch on his tail where he has been chewing it, poor b**tard

  4. Hi gang how are these new batt packs doing? I know they have been out for a while now hence me asking how they in the field seeing where half way threw the season would like to know how you guys rate them I.E LAMPING HOURS TO THE CHARGE TIME it takes to charge them can any one fault them apart from the price? How many lamping hours do you get from them. I know it can depend on how you lamp swift sweeps etc etc but are they any good My days trawling fields with the old car batt and cebe car head lamps gone even the old motor bike battery use to do me head in lol. Then we had our old favourite the 12volt 17amp battery So gang would really appreciate a little review pros and cons so to speak many thanks and look forward in your comments. Oh could you also mention what lamp you use with the batterie many once again.

    out with mine tonight 4 hours then just went out. i was just getting through the headge had to go home anyway good battery and i got 10 rabbits. my dog is more a daytime 1. i will bring my old battery as a spare from now on.



    Don't mean to be rude but does this not sort of defeat the object of getting a light battery if you're going to carry the old one with you as well? unless you mean leave the old battery in the car and go back for it?

  5. I had someone call the RSPCA because they saw me getting some rabbits and my whippet out of the car, they said they had seen me setting my pet rabbits loose in a field for the dogs to chase. Me and the bloke who came to talk to me had a bit of a laugh about it even though he said he was against hunting, he was good enough to say "you are entitled to do what you like within the law" though which i thought was good on his part.

  6. I don't see any reason a working dog can't be a pet as well. As i speak all three of mine are asleep in front of the fire but come tonight two of them will be expected to do the job they were bought to do. My two lurchers are kenneled but are also house trained and they come in the house while im at home and are good as gold i barely notice they are there my bullx was lying over my girlfriends lap having his belly rubbed just this morning, but when out working they are different animals.

  7. The biggest advantage for me is a bigger catch, two dogs obviously have the edge over one either running one at a time so one can rest or doubled up so there is more of an advantage over the quarry. I find a lone kenneled dog is more likely to suffer from seperation anxiety and more likely to destroy his kennel through boredom too.

  8. Wow, i hope tjhis was trick question, lol... Nice 1 JRT, and a doubt very much that the terrier would even take squatters, it wouldnt see them. You get down on the floor and put your eye at a terreirs level in the lamp, see if you can see a squatter...


    If the grass was short and it wasn't a tiny russell it might see it, but anyway it wouldn't hurt to try it as long as you don't buy a lamp just for this and don't expect much :vava:

  9. Im going to be getting a new lurcher as soon as something suitable comes along, and my question is this: In terms of trainability, living with it, hunting ability etc. which one of these would people choose:



    colliexgreyhound (1st cross or 3/4 grey)

    colliexwhippet (1st cross or 3/4 whippet)


    These are the dogs i am considering and i think some collie blood is a definate in my final choice.


    The land i work at the moment is a mix of small flat fields, larger hilly fields, fields that could almost be described as moor land and everything between.


    I have a pure whippet at the moment and although she has pace to burn she lacks a bit of stamina and possibly a bit of common sense!


    Im after a dog between 22-24" as i think on the land i work and the quarry (only rabbits) a smaller lurcher would be the best choice.


    Also the dog will be used for lamping mainly but also ferreting (when i get hold of some new ones) and general mooching.







    Sorry Adam not being funny, but i dont see how you can answer this question, when you only asked all the above in DEcember pal....



    After reading the difference between a longdog and sighthound i stand corrected, i asumed a longdog was another term for a pure bread sighthound which i now know is not the case. I have as my post in december says got a whippet and now have a bull x grey. He wouldn't have been my first choice but after seeing him work i took him on.


    To answer your other question i find both dogs just as good as each other but with one or the other being better in certain situations eg. whippet better at shorter sprints on smaller fields, the lurcher being better on longer runs on more uneven ground.


    Sorry for the confusion, you live and learn as they say

  10. As said i would go for a collie x whippet a 3/4 whippet would probably be best. A cross like this would do everything you need it to bushing, ferreting and lamping. Hope that helps


    A working lurcher will cost anything from £50 to 1k+

  11. i been up there a few times on the lamp , good spot do you lads have permission up that way ?? my dogs are so bored there diggin the fu#kin garden up now lol!!!


    I go up there about twice a week, there is a lot of rabbits up there but some of the fields are rabbit netted so it can be a bit too easy at times. Its quite a way to travel for me (60 miles) so i thought i would check what the snow situation was like before i drove all the way up there to find it was covered and frozen.....again! :cry:

  12. hello im new too this but i have a litter of pups for sale and both parents will take anything even the sire and hes only 23in hence the name turbo tyke :D



    I would be carefull mate, this is only your second post and you are selling dogs. I just hope your first post wasn't in the for sale section

  13. In 1997 when i was 12 I got a call off a fishing mate of mine one day asking if i wanted to try something called "ferreting"? he didn't give me many details and at first i wasn't sure about the whole thing and was more interested in playing with the ferrets, i tagged along a few more times and quickly got in to it. got my first ferret 6 months later, and another 6 quickly followed. then a year later i landed back to my mums house with a rescue ex raceing greyhound (which i was quickly made to return), about 6 months after that i was allowed to buy a lurcher pup, then another, and another, and another then a russell then a whippet and here i am today.

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