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Posts posted by genuine

  1. :hmm: Of course I understand what the original poster is saying,..but, in my opinion,..and in my experience,..it is not solely the province of the noble Saluki,..to be labelled,... untrainable... :yes:


    Most dogs can be 'sorted' to a degree,.but sometimes,..one comes across a hunting dog that loves to hunt,.. almost as much as it needs oxygen,...it craves the chase so much ,..that nothing short of death threats will deter the fecker,.and in a minority of cases,..some would prefer a quick death,.. to a lingering life,..unable to fulfil that ancient and primitive craving...


    I know that feeling myself.... :thumbs:


    All the best,.CHALKWARREN... :drink:


    Completely agree,a mate had a saluki few years back now realy hard to train would even bite him,run miles away after being told what to do and make his own way home,this had him realy depressed at one point he was going to give up after 2-3 years calmed down great pot filler day night taking huge numbers of game Roe Hare Rabbit,sadly the dog didnt have a long life he died in the field after a heart attack as did another 2 from the litter aged about 5years,the sire of the litter also lived a short life died in the field doing what they donr best! But this cross needs alot of time patients and is certainly not for unexperienced lurchermen! :thumbs:

  2. Some "lurcher men" just don't have a clue. They don't think about the future. When it comes to winter I wonder whose ground they will be poaching as theres wont have a rabbit on it.


    ATB Mike


    Completely wrong,i dont do this but its good advice! Rabbits are pests and can be controlled all year round so if your not out there someone else will be,seen it round my way people lamping and shooting all the way through spring,summer months what you said is right but wrong if you get me! :thumbs:

  3. yes its fine mine where sold between 100 and 150 with alot of hard work gone into them. they where to replace my brothers dog that got killed and to put some good quality bedy greys out there as theres not much about. and if you have to know i have another litter planned with a top bull for myself :feck: nothing wrong with telling the truth


    oh ye sorry flint got it wrong you SOLD your mates pups for a 100

    your young you dont know a lot so keep your nose out of my business



    (Business) as you just said its a business = puppy peddler! I defended this on another thread and called Fence Hopper a c**t.......well her goes



    Fence Hopper i apoligise and well done for doing your homework,who can blame me or many of us who defended this as he seemed so genuine so theres my apoligies! Now stop researching the internet all day and get yourself a job so i dont pay your way lol! :thumbs:

  4. Stun gun is definately classed as firearms and you will get cummunity service and a fine,ive had this problem 3-4 times me and a mate they try try and try again,never convicted no comment no evidence case dismissed,the last time they came was about and hour after what got back from digging a fox for keeper,they took the terrier in s bit of a mess to the vets,returned him in 2hours says the vet has gave him antibiotics for cuts and there rat bites,well we were doubled over knowing he hadnt seen a rat that day! theres another 3 times this has happened i wont blber on but i doubt they will be visiting again,the un uniformed officer accusing us of this and seeing him walking in mad places when were out with the dogs,ill have you know i know where you live,so stop trying to sell your bullshit storys to become some kind of hero!

  5. Lets be honest here in the best way possible without being a c**t! 11 months is far too young,as someone else said the first thing the dog would contact is likelys to be a very pi55ed off vixen(not always good to enter young dogs too) Keep the pup back until novemeber december time,if you keep doing this is could wreck the dog! Not all terrier will go in make contact and stay untill dug to at a young age! Try some easy earths try and get to the dog pritty fast,let the dog have faith in you(the gaffer) if the dog knows your guna come,when he is ready for a deeper dig he will have faith in you digging to him and should stay!


    Quick question how do you know it was cubs and for that matter mr fox?

  6. why give him shit what do ya want him to do if the keeper rings him and asks him to have a look about, if he had said no then a doubt it would av still been his permision. they all jealous mate cause there finding nothing at home latly

    The problem I have with lads like this is ....you never hear from them all winter cause they are lazy b*****ds and dont want to put in the miles or the time this lad has not put a digging post up all winter but when spring time comes theres loads of pics of miilky vixens and JR Yipp somes it up for me

    the job was poorly done and then promoted with misguided pride

    Granted cubs have to be dealt with when livestock is concerned ...I had to sort a litter of cubs 3 weeks ago for a keeper but I never came on here looking for a pat on the back




    Hes must be a young lad as anyone who digs this time of year would finish the job and put them out of there misery 2ft 3mts 15mts just do it properly,RESPECT!

  7. Nearly all the lads im out with our on this site,and mainly own fox dogs,some have posted on this topic and hasnt said ive got a good dog but i will tell a little with no names, see one of these dogs kill on impact many times and 5-6 seconds the job is finished this dog is also very good around holes and hunting rough ground! Another has taken 3-4 foxes a night,does a cracking job without taking too much punishement,you could say its one of the best ive seen! Another is a retired bitch in her day was one of the best allround dogs seen was harder with rats than fox but still tallyed up 300+ in her time! She was bred from and all the pups were close to home the pups from this bitch are fetting on for 5yrs and all take fox day night in good numbers,all good hunting cover and around earths but still prefer rats!

  8. theres only one party to vote for if you want a chance of the ban being repealed,but in the history of this country there have been very few bans of any kind being repealed, i will still take the chance though regarding the ban and vote conservative, what other option have i ????????????????????????????????????????????





    hmmm,maybe not voting at all is an option if todays laws are easier for you as voting may make it more difficult in the long run. :thumbs:

  9. Cheers lad your making me make up my mind weather to vote or not,truthfully if i dont know why im voting,maybe i shouldn't but on the other hand are all hunts the same!


    I also believe lifting the ban wont help many of people i know that run like 6-18 hounds! As only registered hunts this will help!





    BUT ....... ON THE WHOLE ...........










    I'll correct you mate. Most pheasant keepers arent (IMO)that hot with terriers unless they also do it for recrreational purposes.


    Grouse keepers on the other hand could more than likely show some of the keyboard warriors on here a thing or two about terrierwork.

    Been out saturday and sunday with some grouse keepers and dug 5 sooked vixens and cubs on the edge of the hill. Accounted for three dog foxes at night as well.


    The decent grouse boys take no prisoners and know their stuff.


    Some should take a step back and look at themselves before brandishing bold statements about 'keepers know feck all about digging'.


    There will be far many more happy-go-lucky diggers from the town who havent a feckin scooby.




    I agree with this 100% Pheasant keepers dont know much at all,on the other hand grouse keepers seem to know there stuff and keep good dogs! The keepers calls about 2 months ago,they dont get many foxes through there land but when they do the call,weather there using there terrier or ours its to control vermin and we are there together! New pheasnt keeper on the block keepes so called working terriers( I will say no more ) hes not doing anymore earth wotk theres and one terrier was delt with after killing the head keepers chickens good job as it was useless the other i hope is a pet!

  11. I would like people to put any views forward they are all welcome,yes im voting but will this realy help the lurcher/terrier las/lasses or just make it more difficult and maybe costly? Is it easier now or when/if the ban is lifted?


    My view is it will be harder for us as lurcher/terrier lads to do what we love most,reasons for this is i can see every person wanting to be in our sport will be needing a licence(costly knowing our country) not only this but full permission letter(s) etc etc. Im just thinking if people step back and take a look at what we have now its fine lamping fox with rifle dog to retrive,flushing to the gun,and also the use of the terrier within the law using a gun to dispatch of the vermin etc.Now to be fair the ban, therefore has not realy affected me and perhaphs alot of other people are in my shoes too!


    I believe it will help registered hunts and make it harder for us(maybe im wrong).


    Then i take another step back and im not referring to every hunt but local about 4 hunts or so im talking about, would not vote to help me if i needed there vote(which i beleive it will come to if ban is lifted) they turn there nose at us,we have stacks of land which the hunt runs on and they still believe they have more right than we do,not only us the keepers included! Cut a long rant short im voting but i can copme to terms with my reasons for it!



  12. Surprise suprise read one or two pages looking good,eventualy its 11 pages to be fair i dont know why anyone bothers on here,posting to wankers basicaly and a waste of time!


    Fence hopper IE fence boy always manages to f**k up people thread but as soon as someone says something on his CRYS moderator!


    Why aren't you banned yet?



    Besides the rest of the bullshit keep us posted on the malmute! :thumbs:

  13. Had the last meet of the season on Saturday. Took a while but finally found the scent. The trail layer must have excelled himself that day!clapper.gif

    Cheers, D.

    which river in cornwall flowing fast lucky not have lost horses legs yet the hound being swelt down river




    River Camel, best salmon river in the county. Cheers, D.


    I think you will find the river tyne is the best in the counrty lol! Great pics!

  14. A mate of mine takes 2 calls a week, people asking from all over the country to use his dog for stud and hes 5yr old,they organise dates etc for when the bitch is ready and there all messers even the ones from like 20-30 miles away are bullshitters,he doesnt even waste his breath now just hangs up! What beats me is the dogs from the best of best, duggan bred russel alot of people will have heard of the line up north! Half of the sites untrustable!

  15. Chop them with proper clippers,my bitch only 3 weeks ago snapped one of hers and was hanging and bleeding bad i cleaned it up and kept it clean 3 days later it dropped off and 5 days later she was running again. Vets are for emergency things like this is just the norm,keeping clean etc once healed if hasnt dropped just remove it yourself!

    thanks for that mate, the whole nail has come off, leaving just the flesh/nerve there. I have kept it clean but each time he catches it it bleeds agin.


    To be fair its the first time ive had a run in with dew claws so im no expert,but to pay through your nose at the vets is a joke,i ran my bitch 5 days later without a problem i put thumb pressure there and shes fine so now she has on dew claw if it becomes a problem i will do it myself,she would likelys bite anyone else that trys to do anything,but she trusts me!


    All id say is keep it clean if the nails dropped let it fully recover and heal and it should be fine! As before im no expert i may be told different! :thumbs:

  16. Chop them with proper clippers,my bitch only 3 weeks ago snapped one of hers and was hanging and bleeding bad i cleaned it up and kept it clean 3 days later it dropped off and 5 days later she was running again. Vets are for emergency things like this is just the norm,keeping clean etc once healed if hasnt dropped just remove it yourself!

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