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Posts posted by kiwi

  1. ya right about the dogo, but my one never munched down on what we caught, i think in argentina of old they were left to feed themselves, they are still a working breed thats all that matters now, the ridgeback is not a sight hound it is a tracking/baying/bailing dog hunted in packs to corner lions, some ridgeback crosses are ok but as a norm they suck, danes are good to add size to a dog and the cross breeding can bring out the boardog that once was there, we have a 1/4 dane cross that is going well. :)

  2. yeah i'll get some pic together l/b, but i would like to add one more thing, the type of dogs you look after ie lurchers are not know to become "fat" anyway having large amounts of greyhound/sighthound in their make up are not going to turn them into overfeed labradors provided they get good tucker and some regular exercise, but for terriers and other breeds the weight does come into account. :)

  3. depends on [bANNED TEXT] you class as hunting l/b, but for us our working dogs are just that working dogs! any sexual tension is kept in check by the pack as a whole so having leg pumping dogs is not an issue. the same goes for our stock dogs, we have 8 on the farm all intact and no unwanted litters or fights. as you help with the unwanted or cast off dogs getting them fixed is great to stop the cycle but from a working point of veiw chopping a dogs nuts off is not gonna lighten the load to make him run faster but it does curb that bit extra that makes a dog a dog and a bitch a bitch and that bit of guts and agro that you lose with fixing a dog/bitch can vary between no difference at all to a totally different dog after the op. why bugger with nature, we castrate bulls to mellow them down and make them grow fat by changing the hormone balance so why would ya want to do that to ya hunting mates who do all the hard work. i always laugh at the vets who go on about the pro's of getting it done myself.

  4. it can make a difference, i wouldn't have a dog or bitch that has been fixed have seen plenty of dogs that have had it done and with no effects{but did they ever reach their full hunting abilitly after the chop??} but have also seen plenty that just turned to crap as well, for pet dogs i have no problem but for hunting i like my dogs including my bitches to have balls, ever notice how ya bitches hunt better when coming into or on heat? hunting drive and hormones should be at a balance. :)

  5. i think if he was keen to get out he would just have to get out and meet people there is a huge amount of hunting clubs up there, the nz deerstalkers is good place as they have organized hunts and a shooting range, the local trapshooters is good as is the fish and game which would give him all the land he would need to hunt over, the department of conservation {doc} can hook him up with a free permit and maps to hunt on public land for goats and pigs, and there is millions of acres of it to hunt too, most of the farmers up there would give him the green light if he asked and behaved himself. pighunting is just a matter of meeting the right guy that would take him out, most pighunters like a beer at some stage so the pub a good place to keep an ear out lol. a good bet would be to ask down at the hunting and fishing store, they could help out as well but at the end of the day he has to do a bit of leg work himself, getting a firearms lisence is easy so he should start there perhaps. he should have no problems finding a place to fish here both salt and fresh, so really it's up to him how keen he wants to get with our outdoors. :)

  6. they are the equal of lamb if ya get a nice young one ian and the older ones do make good dog tucker but the meat usally goes right through ya dog if ya feed it too often. yeah the billies do pong, they piss on themselves to impress the nanny goats. the two most common preditors on feral goats here are young shooters and badly trained pigdogs. they are not hard to find in the bush due to there nature of calling each other and liking the sunny faces. but ya can have a bit of fun controling them with high powered rifles, ya can run out of bullets before goats in my area :angry:

  7. in the last three years i've broken both my ankles pighunting and they give out every now and again, playing sport just makes the bloody things hurt like hell, i reckon the chiro is the way to go, mine sent me to the gym to do light work to build up my muscles and it's put them almost right, but it is gonna take another year they reckons for them to be 100%. playing squash must be bloody hard on ya ankles mate :cry:

  8. the wires are set to keep the pigs out of that part of our farm mate putting a hot wire on the bottom would be a waste of time as it would short out in no time, gee you must live in the city <_< the photo was taken as it was found, idiot.

  9. i had a lockley hound with the same injury, was an expensive operation to fuse the ligament back together with no guarantee it would mend, got a second opinion from another vet {was trying to get a better price for the op lol} and he sent me home with a list of things to do, had to lock her up and limit her movements to nothing other than walking and swimming her in the sea twice a week {any water would have done} just to keeps the joint from getting to weak i guess. after a few week she was able to put her foot down and was able to hunt about 6 weeks later, was along time to mend but she had 90% of her movement back and was good for a few days work at a time before she got a bit sore. feed her greenlip mussel pills too from memory, used for treating arthritis in joints in humans. it worked on that bitch and she is still going well five years later just have to watch the amout of work she does. lockley hounds are a lab/grey and she was more grey than lab to look at.

  10. lol i thought the look of the gwp is probley the reason why you are not that keen on the breed, i was the same way myself but in the end after seeing them work i got one that wasn't too hairy but i think the breeds looks come a poor second to performance. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the gwp is twice the hunter the gsp is and is also a bloody good guard dog as an added extra. is this ya first gundog by the way HG?

  11. that dog G must have been a cracker stabs for it to be so bred back to him, we don't breed as close as that but i would expect some fresh blood might not be too far away, i would use an outcross to a common grandparent on one side, not a bad example on proper line breeding, breeding pigdogs is alot more simple than purebreds but the same rules apply.

  12. got one years ago when they were all the rage, used her on pheasants, and a bit of duckshooting she was hyper active and full of beans had to let her out and make her run beside the ute for a few kms just to settle her down compared to my labs at the time she was just to much dog, maybe if i didn't have so many dogs i could have got a better idea of the breed but she soured me off pointers for about ten years, ran a brittany spaniel after her and had a great time with her on the pheasant and quail, still rate the brittany very highly i might add. i think the gsp are great dogs in the right hands but after owing a few wire's i wouldn't consider the gsp for a hunter that wants to do a bit of everything, the gsp's do feel the cold and for serious water work the wire leaves it for dead. [bANNED TEXT] ever ya get spend some time with the litter if it's possible and pick the pup that stands out to you, it may take a few visits to be sure but at least ya gonna get the pup ya like. getting the last pup of the litter is something i try and avoid. my bitch was a bit slow to grow up and mature but i was shooting rabbits ova her at 8 mths and she was dyamite on pheasants til i got rid of her at 3 but she was still nutty then lol. shot a few deer ova her too and tried her on pigs but she would rather hunt possums and rabbits when out with my pigdogs so she got axed from the pack.

  13. paying for stalking and shooting deer is not looked at in the same light in new zealand, we are very anti it in fact but i do enjoy foxy's pic's as they show a bit more of the countryside and some well fed and healthy deer. as for those photos smudge :clapper: awesome mate love the one with the heads sticking up in the crop :good:

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