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Everything posted by Geordieboy

  1. Not sure of my top 3 but Withnail & I is one of them..funny as F*CK!!
  2. hold ya breath for 25 seconds lol aaaa how much for a wank adie . prite shity cite . or come away with me dai . i fukin loves it aaaa.avnt got a fukin clue hav u Who's been sniffing fatty's glue?
  3. Green street 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are you taking the piss!?!?!?!?! it was purest shite ive seen in a while. If you think its shit well then you haven't seen it! Its just all about fighting which i like:D its wicked! Green Street is total shite but Green Street 2 is one of the owrst films of all time!!
  4. The poor girl didn't deserve to get it though. And what about that fella they interviewed who basically said he got what he deserved. He also made friends with a fox that more than likely helped itself when the bear was finished. The way he was talking to the bears made me cringe and I have to be honest I would of killed him myself if I was a bear!!
  5. Aye lurcher central mate. Good luck all the best. Regards Lee
  6. Cheers, They like their durgs in Ashington.
  7. Lovely looking dog there scent. To convince the missus into getting a patty, all I need to do is show her your pics.The one in the blanket wil con vince her no bother, cheers mate
  8. Morpeth is a lovely place mate. Must of had good reasons to move from there. Happy hunting pal all the best.
  9. Nice looking dogs there mate. Good luck with them. I'm in Hertfordshire these days but was from Newcastle (think my name gives it away a little) where in the North East you from then fella. As i say good luck and cracking dogs. Regards Lee
  10. I owe you one then mate. I'm not into that kind of caper but I'm loyal so what will be will be. :wankerzo4: There you go we are now even.
  11. No worries pal, I like a joke and to mess around. That's what got me in trouble in the first place. Cheers for :wankerzo4: me!! I'll return the favour one day.
  12. Fair play fella you were the first to give me the :wankerzo4: Cheers!!
  13. 22 people read this but not even one could manage a hello, or a welcome, or even a :wankerzo4: Regards Lee
  14. Okay, I was terriernovice before I got banned for a silly reason (fascists) I like to have a laugh to much in other words. Now.. I did come on here in the first place to learn and meet like minded people, the learning bit was easy as there are plenty of lads/lasses posting stuff that is quality and that I enjoy reading. Thanks everyone. I'm more or less new to this malarky, I used to go out with my pal and his lurcher and terrier, plus I also had ferrets in my teens as well as Air Guns. I moved down south last year and all this wide open countryside has made me get back into the hunting type s
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