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look up

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Posts posted by look up

  1. It's nice when they start working properly.... I had 2Jill's what were good and reliable ..if I put them down and they were strate back up ... It was time to move to The next set.... But if they stayed down it was just a matter of time before the first net would stretch ... And the ferret not far behind it ...you grabe hold of the rabbit in the net...ferret look at you and strate back down for some more... The thing I hate is when they keep fecking about on top... In one hole out the other ....them sort end up as back fill...atb

  2. Went out with three others last night to film there dogs. I was there transport as well. One getting pulled about by two dogs which meant the inexperienced one was lamping. I was happy to join in the conversation as we walked down the middle of the fields with the lamper behind lamping over our heads.

    So by the sounds of it ..you got on plenty and had a good nights filming ..atb

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  3. Put it this way mate... He will keep on yapping it makes you feels sick after all the time you put in to them it's just one of them thing some do and some don't ...I v tried that put it away for 2 month 6 month .. But first bend or when they find it abit hard they will open up... Its all up to up .can you put up with it ...atb

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    Put it this way I'd rather my dog running gear this time of year .....than winning rosettes

    There's no harm if the fields are cut and the ground is wet picking up a few rabbit ...Atb

    Each to their own I say,normally though well worked dogs need a rest through the summer,I know mine did back in the day when I worked them real hard,I suppose if you only potter about it's ok but if your into working lurchers in a serious way come summer both you and your dogs need a rest JMO atb AT
    So when do you Start yours...

    If I could get out now for a few slips I would ..just to get them ticking over ..

    What I can't understand is what difference waiting month will make .. 1st of September you can lamp like feck and no one will say anything ..if someone has somewhere to clear on perm good luck to them ...

    I no who I'd be ringing if I was a farmer atb


    We're east anglia are you.....I'm In Ipswich and if you want .you can come out with me and a mate on the lamp with your dog to get it started if you like ....atb

    Nice offer that mate but sounds like the lad needs help before another dog gets put on the merry go round
    Cheers mate and the offer will still stand...... you can lead a horse to water ..but you can't make it drink.. Atb
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