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Posts posted by Aitor

  1. Hello


    Thanks for your answer


    I have a question for you, it is true that the Reverend John Russell was looking for a race like the old fox terrier, forgetting the morphology and focusing only on the job?


    I saw a fox-terrier to do things that no other race has cast so far, so until it is proven that this race isn't good for work, no one will convince me that this breed isn't a good hunting dog



  2. By the way, here almost all hunters hunting or Jagd terrier or dachshund. All hunters can not be wrong not you think?. Maybe the burrows are diferent :thumbs:


    Hunting lines of fox terrier here in Spain there are very few, but there are lines hunters 100%. They hunt well in burrows and are around 37cm for males and females 35 cm. I see that dogs.


    In belgium there is a breeder that hunt fox and badger in burrow with his dogs


    The good lines of good working fox terrier are in the east of europe, I know that in france there is a lot of kennel that hunt with his Fox-terrier, but I dont want his form of hunt.


    A greeting

  3. I can see in the previous survey that most used races are jack russell terrier, lakeland terrier and Patterdale terrier. But I dont know of lines of work of these races. I know Nuttall, Booth, Cloots are good lines of Patterdale terrier, but there are other good? and other lines of the other races? and if you can , can you post of that lines?


    Thanks you



    A greeting

  4. Sorry but this isn't my language. I refer that He is looking for a lakeland not a cross like bledingtonXlakeland JRTXlakeland


    Do you understand me?


    Lo pongo en español por si alguien lo entiende. Esta buscando lakeland puros no cruces como bledingtonXlakeland JRTXlakeland o cosas asi


    A greeting

  5. Hi a friend is looking for a pupy of lakie for export to spain. Can you give me some information about breeders of lakeland pure breed?? to contact him by email. He prefer lakeland like this post-37968-048763400 1288451978_thumb.jpg, but the color it isnt very important


    A greeting

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