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Posts posted by blackstaff

  1. Nice write up bud :thumbs: Was nice to get out for a couple of hours and have a chin wag and catch up. Fingers crossed this cold weather stays for a bit and we manage to have a few full days out. Couple of pics from today. I didn't take many as the snow was quite bad and didn't fancy ruining the camera :D













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  2. The lady who's garden we were ferreting was fine. She was glad that I handled it the way I did and even apologised to me !! She was of the same opinion as myself and Jon that it had nothing to do with her and she trespassed. My permission said she will speak to the Anti and let me know how it went, and that we did the right thing to not antagonise the situation any more. She also said that she needs us back soon which is always a bonus. I'm just glad I had my bitch out and not my dog as I would imagine that the situation wouldn't of ended up with her going home with 3 ill mannered, uncontrollable dogs all in the same health they came into the garden in ! The blue brigade didn't show whilst we were there unfortunately, but I haven't spoken to the owner yet.

  3. @ Lab - I know the guy, our kids go to school together and see him all the time. Bottom line is the dog got a bit more than a telling off and imo the decent thing to do was pay :thumbs: As for the original thread the guy should be forth coming with the money without a doubt. If not for the consideration of the pup but to be selfish and try to protect his dog ? If not then the only way is to ring local Police dog warden, ( anonymously @ first ) and see how you stand in the eye's of the law ?

  4. Good work Del. We've only managed to get out 3/4 times so far this year and only 1 of the trips I've bothered to take the nets. Not enough rabbits down here to catch them all. Plus when you bolt to the dags it's heart stopping stuff, dogs get a decent run and you leave a few breeders to keep your land for next year, winners all round :thumbs:

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  5. If you know the bloke then I would say you'll have to make a visit to him. I'm hoping the bloke has a back bone and will offer to pay the bill without asking ? I've had 2 situations before with mine. 1 of which was their dog was driving mine mad, constantly trying to hump her. I did warn the guy but he laughed and said his dog needed telling off ! Eventually that happened BUT I still paid his vets bill. IMO the right thing to do.

    Hope the pup makes a swift and full recovery

  6. Used to take my bitch all the time until i had my 2 div's. Now I take my bitch when the lurchers are broke, but she always come ratting and bushing. Something a bit special when they manage to get a rabbit or 2 :thumbs: My bitch is now known as ' The soft mouth Stafford ' in our circles :D Defo not the case, but anything that is getting caught in her jaws isn't coming out. Rabbits are good for ferret food, or normally just the back end is good enough for fodder. Take her out, enjoy yourselves and hopefully you'll get a couple in the bag :thumbs:

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