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About nicklpool

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. My 18 month BedWhip x Pointer has always been well-behaved, tho headstrong (no surprise) and a mad little hunter. I love seeing him get rabbits, pheasants, pigeons .. but he's now started on deer. Killed his first one yesterday, a pregnant doe, noisy gory and long drawn-out. Right next to the village. So that he doesnt have to stay in a muzzle every time we go out, does anyone rate stun collars for this particular use? Any other suggestions? Thanks, Nick
  2. nicklpool


    Did you save the park then ? No
  3. nicklpool


    I was involved in a campaign to save a city park from being built on a few years back, and ended up squatting it to try and keep the JCBs out. Loads got involved, from scally nutters to little old ladies, eco-warriors (of course), and .... the animal rights lot. They are FCKING WEIRD. Totally focussed on animals - any conversation will get back to it. Not fluffy bunny, just totally emotional and chock-full of hate. Got the impression they could just as well have ended up religious, nazi, whatever. Just luck of the draw they saw something about hunting or factory farming and that was it for a
  4. To cheer us up, how about more like that? I've heard Otis Ferry's anti-anti, and his dad's famous
  5. Like Whin said - powerful lamps are quite recent, so on nights that didnt suit nets, or if you didnt want to be caught with nets, or couldnt be arsed carrying nets, moonlight mooching was the way to do it. Feels a bit weird prowling round in the dark tho, Nick
  6. In the spring / summer there's meant to be a closed season, which many hunters observe. BUT if you're just out strolling with your dog, and there are loads of diddies around, who knows what will happen? It's certainly a lot easier for an inexperienced dog. Hopefully your dogll get started before then.... Nick
  7. I'm not really sure it would work. How many homeless could actually run fast enough to catch a rabbit? Some of them are wiry but would they really fit into a warren? As for lamping, the ones with alcohol problems would be in no fit state to rush across a field and bite a bunny after a few cans of the old jungle juice... Only pssing about - brilliant idea really. Nick
  8. "most the people i meet who shoot are up their own arse toffs with names like Montgomery,Harold and Charles" 'Harold'? What - like the bloke off Steptoe and Son? La-di-fcking-da!
  9. I've always prepared my pheasants by standing on the wings and hauling up the legs. Very neat, but can you do the same with partridges? Or will they crumble into a crunchy mess? Cheers and Merry Crimbo, Nick
  10. Nightmare mate - good luck and keep us posted, Nick
  11. Judging by the photo, you've changed your clothing to match the gay / high-pitched voice. That's real commitment that is!
  12. Bit late Im afraid, but if the other two ways havent worked: I started mine off by rewarding each retrieve with a treat. When he dropped short, I put a plank about a foot in front of me. Dummy dropped on the wrong side = no treat and 'give it here, c'mon here'. Dropped on the right side = treat. Worked a treat. Nick
  13. Thanks everyone - will get down to it! Nick
  14. Blimey - that's an unusual service! Hope he washed his hands afterwards...
  15. Similar problem with mine - he'd come running in, drop the ball a few feet away and it'd bounce on towards me. Fine for a ball, bunny wouldnt keep bouncing like that tho!! Solved it by standing behind a scaffolding plank (on its side). He's got to drop it at my feet or it bounces away and no treat. Little fcker keeps hold of the bunnies now tho - I wont be solving that with a fcking plank!!!
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