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Everything posted by turk

  1. adam its a special breed a sort after breed she cost loads of money i could put you in touch with a guy who supplys lamb/russels lol
  2. i reckon it done her the world of good i think she will be a good little bitch when she settles down shes just mad headed at the moment i hope she comes becouse c likes her
  3. http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq301/t...37_edited-1.jpg heres one when she was younger but il get some recent ones in the next couple of days
  4. this is my bitches first fox was in for 40 minutes vixen and cubs had to be cleared protecting game birds
  5. turk

    name and shame

    IP bans don't work mate. I was IP banned from UKPCO (cause they don't like me, lol) but I can still go on and read it etc via a proxy server. I think AOL all have the same IP addies as well. Leave him where he is. At least you know who he is then
  6. turk

    name and shame

    isnt a ip adress all the same so the mods would know if he was reregistering sureley i could be wrong mind but i dont think so
  7. turk

    name and shame

    to ian b just wondering mate how hes still on hes not been kicked off yet this guy is dangerous on her to everyone he is deffo the one who grassed me its not ear say its 110% true i wouldent lie on an open forum and make a c**t of my self as hes all ready been kicked of moochers straight away no f*****g around i just hope you do the decent thing mate cant say no more
  8. turk

    name and shame

    by checking the grassers profil he was on today must be going on as anonomous c**t should be baned of here i recon
  9. turk

    name and shame

    Are you just going to talk the talk mate it would take more than the police to keep me back from someone if this happened to me. bound over at the moment mate.every dog has it's day mate trust me
  10. turk

    name and shame

    i knew he was on here but i didnt know who as. a so so mate of his told me who he was on here and who as so i named and shamed him for all the genuin lads
  11. turk

    name and shame

    the grassing c**t was on here to night
  12. turk

    name and shame

    im not being funny or anything im not putting this on to tell everyone my buisness im putting it on here to let everyone know who the grasses are and all this was over and done with last year iv got nothing to hide and as for 2 sides it just goes to show how gutless he really is he wont even come on here and defend him self
  13. turk

    name and shame

    yes they proved they was pit bull type dog i got a caution for them i got a 360 fine for flying the bird because they found evidance on the computer of the birds flying when they raided me
  14. turk

    name and shame

    i have been told what his job his is but i would like him to answer himself just incase it is a rumour but if the rumour is true you hunting lads would like to know i can tell you. alot of truth is coming out of this thread and alot of snakes is coming out of the grass and being exposed. lets just keep this thread real so we dont lose the thread. it has been a very intresting thread so far and alot of good advice.
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