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dai dog

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Posts posted by dai dog

  1. sjm, do you think dogs make better workers when kept in a kennel compared to a house dog?


    Without a shadow of a doubt - yes mate :yes:


    Like any "relationship" in life, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Ive lived with dogs in the house and I have found the bond to be far weaker than dogs that live outside. Many people will argue that if you live with your dogs and have them around you then you become much closer, but speaking purely from a working perspective which to me is the only reason to have a dog in the first place, the opposite is true. My dogs are bouncing when I go out to the kennels to let them out in the morning, when I go to take them for the first walk of the day, when I come home after being out, in the evening when they get fed, and most of all when they know we are getting kitted up to go hunting. I beleive that the time spent apart from my dogs and the routine they get accustomed to of doing things at a certain time of day etc means that they look forward to seeing me and make the most of the time when they are with me, they are all over me like a rash - well apart from Cody the pup she has that saluki aloof-ness and is only interested in me when I have food :laugh: I think its something similar to Pavlovs experiments with the conditioned response, the dog gets excited and salivates when a bell is rung cos it knows its going to be fed, my dogs get excited when they hear me coming up the path, opening the gate, or even flushing the toilet :laugh: they will start to whine if I flush it first thing when I get up, cos they know thats me out of bed and I will be out to see to them shortly. The dogs know when they see me coming, something interesting or exciting is happening.


    Live with a dog 24/7 and that excited feeling soon goes away, you could liken it to when you meet someone and fall in love, you find that person completely fascinating and every minute you spend with them is great. You get excited about the thought of seeing them, and your stomach flips over when you do. I want my dogs to feel that way about me as its conductive to good plain sailing training, and a working relationship in the field.


    Plus I am old fashioned and I beleive that dogs given an inch will take a mile, but kept in their proper place will jump hoops of fire to please you :notworthy::clapper:

    spot on s j m, some good advice! :drink:
  2. to be honest, i pretty much roam wherever i want! like my grandfather did! but bear this in mind! i would never give anyone gyp!, & i only catch what i carry home! so not all us "roamers" are scum! :thumbs: yes the hare is the greatest athlete!, & yes it is such a shame to kill them all! we go by a bit of a motto here! "shooti'n is cheati'n!" :clapper:

  3. thanks for the replies lads n lassies! wee john, he does chew a bit! he will come! sarah, he does look strong as an ox in that piccie, but in the flesh hes like a feather! who knows what hell turn out like! :hmm: one thing is for certain! he will be given every chance in the world! some dogs you get on with & others you dont! ive certainly "gelled" with this one! ratcher, i think we will have some fun this season! i certainly had fun the other night!

  4. allright mate! just thaught id put a pic up for you, seeing as im confined to the house today! :censored: / :drink: ! lol! hes coming on well! sit stay, recall, the basics! to be honest hes been a piece of cake to train so far! but im waiting for the inevitable relapse! :laugh: ! hes lightening quick for a pup & is a generally nice enough dog to have about! hes 19" now! @ allmost 16 weeks! any info on the other pups? :drink: ps, i forgot to add that he looks bigger cause my wifes the size of a can of bow!


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