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Posts posted by pav

  1. 47 minutes ago, villaman said:

    Jimmy , Had a look through XQ 50 yesterday at the sportingman gun centre just outside Dorchester , my god it is good , blown away with it  is a under statement .

    Its a good job I forgot my wallet ,all else I would of had it . I am going to wait a bit just to see if these Pard ones are any good ,if not I will get in touch with Ian of here and order one .

    I need some kind of night vision for the impact now as the nights are getting darker , but saying that my .22 FAC FX crown should be with me in a couple of weeks and night vision will go on that .

    Started to look at .17 HMR as well yesterday and might go for one ,just need to find out which one  more homework to do now 

    Did you not think about just changing barrels on the impact for 22 I have one and it's great would have saved you a lot of coin buying new gun just a thought I no your going to be over the moon with crown

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  2. 11 hours ago, villaman said:

    Picked up my  Free new FX X barrel from my local RFD  as promised from Tony at A-S-I 

    Fitted the barrel to the impact and zero was still spot on , then rushed of to one of my permissions to catch the last 10 minutes of daylight . 

    Soon as I got the gun out of the van ,  I spotted a rabbit at the salad farm about 100 yards away I thought .  Zapped the range finder on the rabbit and a read out came out at 117 yards .

    Went down in prone position with bipod fitted ,looked at the scope cap with a range card on  119 yards 4 1/2 dots hold over , pulled trigger and down it went with no kicking .

    This is my longest kill so far with this amazing FX impact plus at 117 yards it still has 20 ft/lbs of power left .

    So just the one with the impact before it got dark but had another 5 with BSA ultra .177 with Pulsar N870LRF NV unit 


    Nice shooting Mitch can I ask how you are using the rangefinder on gun it doesn't look like the mk5 with laser on it

  3. On 14/09/2018 at 21:32, bigmac 97kt said:

    Nice to meet you today Billy

    we will have to get out for a shoot soon mate

    Allan did the pants fit your lad


    Pants fitted great Jimmy cheers he had them on tonite and took the fx off me just let him shoot all nite (Well for the three hours we were shooting) 


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